We talk and it's like I don't even exist. He's not talking to me, he's talking to himself, or maybe he's talking to someone who's not even in the room. It's awkward for me, to say the least, like I'm eavesdropping under the guise of conversing.
Lately I waffle between pity for and envy of the people around me who are so puffed up and self-confident that they don't even know to self-critique. At times that seems like such a gift. At other times, not.
This heat is unbecoming for December and I'm finding it difficult to sink into holiday spirit with the AC blaring and snow cones on the mind. Wednesday we'll meet winter for real, though, and then hot chocolate and twinkling lights will be once again appropriate.
I have 7 more days of work this year, due to left over vacation days which must be used or lost and the holiday time coming up. This is exciting.
I'm reading a fantastic
book that I picked up at
Half Price Books yesterday and I love it. The problem is that it was $8 and I'll be finished with it by dinner time, and then what will I have to read? Nothing, unless I shell out another $8. Clearly it's time to find another hobby.
For the Tequila Christmas card they're using a picture of me in which I have 2 chins. This is not a joke.
Happy Friday