Lately I'm had the itch to start writing in here again. I don't know if this is just about procrastination or not... we'll have to see.
Things are pretty good here. Mostly I'm fine, sometimes I'm not; things in general just keep rolling along. Currently on Spring Break. Doing pretty steady work on shows since the beginning of the school year. Not handling classes as well as I'd like to (what else is new?) Lots of apartment drama but good parties. Looking for a summer job (anyone in need of a stage manager?)
So things are things. What a profound statement.
I saw Isaac this weekend. He was on a trip with his dorm to Chicago. That was... weird and good. A little painful. I guess I still miss him and I didn't know that until I saw him. But I don't have any regrets, and that's a good thing to reaffirm.
My friend Sean got attacked by a drunk guy in a bar about a week and a half ago. I didn't find out until Sunday when I was going to see the show he was in and discovered that he'd had to drop out of it because of his injuries. It's a long story so I won't get into it, but basically he was sucker-punched; the guy came up and punched him in the back of the head so he never saw it coming. The end result was that he had an open wound in the back of his head, a black eye, a broken nose, a back injury, and a cracked skull. He sustained a major concussion and was unconscious for over 30 minutes. From what I understand, the back of his head is currently being held together with staples. The guy who attacked him split and the police didn't follow up properly so there's no way for Sean to press charges. The best he gets is an Interal Affairs investigation on the conduct of the police officers.
I'm so angry about this. And really worried about him. I don't know how to help... we are not the closest friends and haven't known each other that lonb, but we get along great and I really care about him. I'm just... sad and worried about the whole thing.
In other news, here is my class schedule.
9:40-10:40 Family Communication
1:10-3:10 Stage Management II
3:30-5:00 Introductory Psychology I
11:50-1:20 Buddhist Thought in Cultural Context
1:30-3:00 Psychology of Business and Industry
3:10-4:40 Survey: Art, Architecture, Fashion, and Furniture
9:40-10:40 Family Communication
11:30-2:00 Technical Drawing II
3:10-5:00 Introductory Psychology I
11:50-1:20 Buddhist Thought in Cultural Context
1:30-3:00 Psychology of Business and Industry
3:10-4:40 Survey: Art, Architecture, Fashion, and Furniture
9:40-10:40 Family Communication
And then there's also Production Practice II. But since this is my quarter off from shows, that's basically a free 4 credits. Thank goodness.
I am also doing an outside show through the first week of May. So basically, I have no free time. But I think that's OK with me.