May 15, 2006 23:12
As most of you know Ian is strongly suspected as having aspergers syndrome. Now I have been told by a profetional in the autistic field that if some how he dos't have that she will eat her dipploma sans ketchup. This is ok .. this we can work with its not so bad.Mostly its a matter of his socal skills are backwards and he has sensory issues.People with AS. tend to be very sensitive and are easly hurt by jibes and other personal kinds of verbal abuse. They do not get joaks most of us take for granted. If you see most kids of 6 and they are fussin bout havin a scratch on the foot you might joak bout having to cut the whole thing off. Most kids see the joaking smile on your face and think your being silly. A child with AS will panic because they do NOT unde3rstand its a joak.Like wise if you say something like go play in the traffic or jump in a lake. If a lake is close by watch out cause they will !
Now all this said My son has been picked on a bit at school can be crule.
If you are out side of the norm some of them thrive on giving emotional pain.
He started out the year Loving school.. realy loving it. This last month or so he has fussed at going. Telling me he just wants to stay home.His attitude has become less polite than normal. He has seemed withdrawn.
I finaly got him talking and he told me of the bullying. I called School to talk to the school counciler. I was so beyond angry by the end of the conversation I could hardly speak co hearantly!
She informed me Ian needed to learn to use his words better... to tell the bullys (stop that ... I dont like it when you do that).... LIKE THATS GONNA FRIGGIN WORK!!!!!!
I cannot believe this woman. How stupid can she realy be??!!!I supose she was never one of the tormented ones in school.
I am going to have a chat with her ASAP.I will try very hard to keep my calm....even if I have to hold a leash in my pocket to remind my self of restreint.
all for now.