Well, I've been failing at taking screenshots again. Oddly enough, screenshots of me standing there 10 minutes after something happens just don't quite capture the excitement. ._.
Fisban and I finally got Savage Blade! Apparently he'd had his unlocked for like 2 years or something! :o I finally finished breaking my latent, so we begged and pleaded until C7, Castellano, Sabot and Tamera came and helped us out. (Thanks for helping! ^^ ) Opening that gate is a pain in the ass! The fight itself was pretty much a joke. The sad thing is, now that I have it unlocked, I still haven't used it!
Nyzul was... amazing! Tata is taking a break from the game, and asked that we replace him. We initially asked Jaman, but he's busy with school and work right now, so we approached Bitzzah about joining us full time. Fortunately he said yes and he joined us on Wednesday. His TH4 is awesome! We got Denali pants (Grats Cronk!), Askar Body (Grats again, Cronk :p ) and Goliard Body (Grats Bitz!) We messed up our last run and didn't quite reach the boss floor. >.>
Rdm hit 72 last night.... I still fail at the job though. I just don't like support jobs I guess. >.<
I finally finished Zilart! Collecting slivers was kinda fun... it was amazing how much quicker promys went! We got all 3 done in an hour and a half. I remember a single promy taking 2 hours back when I first did them! We're doing Apocalyse Night later today... I still have no clue what earring I want. None of them really stand out to me, so I probably just won't make a decision right now.
And I've been playing around with Pankration lately (mostly to get Jettons so I can take pictures for Zeni points).
The good (me beating Dionel):
The bad (C7 beating me):
Must level quicker so I can beat him!!