Happy Rape and Pillage Day!

Nov 23, 2006 23:11

hee hee...... in all of my desire to see the best in and for all.....
I do have a little devil on my shoulder.

~ >; ]

This day is one where people forget there is anything beyond turkey potatoes stuffing and Gravy....

I want to remind my friends to rememember the blood pain sweat tears and anguish that occurred so that we could be here now.

Not a fun lilly pad to sink on..... SO let's take that and move toward the beauty that we do have everywhere.
from the pain comes much, and from the joy comes more...
So we look and see that there was/is pain, do not deny it...
But in times like these....
I send love and hope to those in pain.
I send light to all in darkness of heart.
I send nurturing beauty to those without enough to live with a smile.
I send strength and loving embrace to those at the other end of the gun barrels held by our soldiers...
I send love and light to those holding those guns, against their wills, fighting a war they would not choose even after the brainwashing and infiltration of mind....

I send peace to those FIGHTING for peace.
I send love to those who have forgotten what love is.
I send joy to those who have never known it.
I send strength of spirit to those who know love, who know peace so that they can continue to feel it, for they are the ones who will save us.

Want peace? Be love.

And so we take the differences, and the unwanted, and turn toward the beauty and the comfort and the peace we know, and from there we spread.
for real... not from ego not from intillect... But from heart.

Be Love.

I am working on it.....

The more of us who lock in, the easier it will be.

Love to all today.
past present and future.
for there is a past, let's pull from the best of it..
There is a present, let's be in it joyfully...
There is a future, let's become it gracefully.
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