Fic STXI: The Wolf, the Moon and the Sun

Jul 15, 2010 13:31

Title: The Wolf, the Moon and the Sun

Author: shayla_kage

Universe: Reboot

Pairing: Kirk Prime/Spock Prime

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 935

Trope: established relationship, bonding, telepathy

Disclaimer: Not Mine

A/N: I don’t know where this came from… nor how to properly label the genre and trope -_-‘…

Okay~, hmmm, I do know the first one, it started out with the thought of Spock Prime considering younger Jim as a pup and this is what came out…

This is also the first time in ages that I’ve written fiction again and first time for ST, so I hope it’s not too weird and makes more or less sense…

Summary: Jim Kirk is mentally a wolf …

Jim Kirk is a wolf.

Whether or not that’s a good thing, depends on which universe you’ve currently encountered him, but there are certain standards that will always apply.

The wolf needs a pack, though in some circumstance he’d rather throw them all into space and see them combust then admit that aloud. But this particular canine has also a tendency to consider himself the ruler of an empire or is aspiring to be. In this case he’s the indisputable alpha and he’s not nice, but then again, neither is his pack.

The wolf is a constant, a part of Jim Kirk that either slumbers under the watchful eye of the calm waiting for the moment to wake or he resides right under the surface, always wild and unpredictably dangerous.

Thus this wolf leads, for he is Alpha and he will submit only to his own will.

Inarguable is also the fact that the pack and the wolf live in coexistence.

For their all survival they need him, for when he’s gone, they start to fall apart. Oh, they function and continue to succeed, but not all of them will ever reach their full potential, then for this they need the symbiotic pattern between them to produce a proper growth in them.

As such, the wolf protects his pack, loyalty imbedded in the sub-consciousness, even if he should try to suppress it in one of his lives. The wolf’s social needs require of him to form a basic social unit and this must be preserved at all cost.

This indisputable part is what makes the wolf a successful leader.

But he’s not always like this. He can be, like all canines, playful and warm, lovable and loving, yet wild and unpredictable, but still form sociable acceptable interaction with his respective surroundings.

And Jim Kirk is all this, even down to - for most people unbelievable fact - being monogamous.

It is indeed strange that many believe this to be an impossible feat for him, since wolves are generally monogamous and mated pairs usually remain together for life if one of them doesn’t die.

Considering all this and adding Jim Kirk’s own stubborn nature to the wolfs, is it a wonder then, that he will try everything he can to be reunite with his pack when he or they gets lost?

Perhaps it is a matter of surprise to someone who doesn’t know him, but to those of us who have followed him, who have stood by him and fought along his side; it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Yet, I can but stare in wonder as he smiles at me from where he stands at the shuttle entrance. I marvel at the thought of how little he has changed and that my eidetic memory has indeed been serving me well throughout all these lonely years.

“Jim…” my voice is but a whisper in my ears, but he must surely have heard it nonetheless, if the brightening smile is any indication.

Before I can truly register what I’m doing, I am standing before him reaching out with almost trembling hands to verify that this is indeed not some cruel illusion. And finally, for what seemed to be an eternity, my hands touch his face, his skin and the so longed for familiarity of the howl inside my head reverberates throughout my mind. Like water crashing through a broken dam, the sun of his presence bursts from him into the deepest abyss of my being, searching and re-forging that which had been broken.

I press him to me, burying my face into his neck, unable to suppress the trembling of my limps as his arms come around me.

“Spock.” He whispers into my ear and I can’t help the wracking sound that escapes me at the sound of his voice.

The wolf howls in my head, calling to me to rise and greet him, to welcome his return.

And I do.

Like the moon in the sky I rise to his command, returning the pale light of his sun to reflect all his glory upon him. For what am I without him but a dark existence?

No moon can truly shine on its own.

He is the sun and he is the wolf, both dominating and bright in their essence.

The wolf howls anew and I can feel the last clouds of darkness in my mind completely dissipate allowing the bright white light of the moon to shine upon him.

Slowly I feel my control returning, my mind adjusting to its natural balance and I untangle our minds gently but not completely, for I can feel the wolf basking in my presence as much I do in his accompanied sun.

I raise my head from its position to meet the grinning face of the younger pup next to us. His essence a muffled echo to the wolf’s, now that our connection has been repaired, but still strong enough that I can see the mental tail wagging of the young wolf inside my head, its joyous emotion creating a similar feeling to the sensual happiness of his older counterpart.

“Thank you.”

The pup mentally bumps me in happiness. The wolf playfully swats its younger echo.

And all I can think is that I hope that this young one, this lonesome pup will one day find his own place in the world to shine at, to howl in victory and roll in the light of his own moon.

For the wolf needs his pack and territory, his mate and family.

Just like I need to stand in the sun and live.


A/N: I hope it wasn't completly OOC... the beginning was weird because I just decided at the end that it was going to be from Spock Prime's POV, but I thought that the start was okay enough not to rewrite it all over again...

star trek, fanfic, kirk/spock, reboot

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