Happy Birthday,Mo

Aug 05, 2005 20:58

Guess who turned 49 today? You know who. That blonde,shining teen dream from the '70's. Gold strands parted in the middle sometimes pulled back in a bun or held back with barretts and Dippity-Doo. The girl who got the lead in Romeo and Juliet but had to drop out because her mother thought she was getting too "high falutin". The girl who thought she was too good for Charlie so she accepted Doug Simpson's offer. The girl who grew up to become a woman and a retro icon for the '90's. The woman,who when I wrote her a nice e-mail explaining things to her, had the nerve to have her assistant write me back a form letter telling me "she is too busy to answer e-mails". You must know,by now,who I am talking about. No..? The former teen queen who grew up to have a daughter. A daughter who somehow found my website and discovered details regarding my fued with her aging mom. The woman who after seeing the page on my site wrote me an e-mail explaining how she "suffers from many of the same problems" that I do. Yep....you got it.

Maureen McCormick a.k.a. Marcia Brady! Maureen,though she prefers to be called Mo?! Don't ask her why she calls herself Mo unless you have 3 hours to waste and you want to hear about her mom finding bugs on a watermelon,her grandfather crying during a Chapstick commercial, and baby Maureen saying "mee mee moe moe" till her father divorced her mother. I am wishing Mo a Happy Birthday,here on LJ,because I know her daughter,Janey,reads my journal. Janey then reports the details back to Mo. I like Janey because she has told me secrets about mother Mo. Janey broke into Sherwood Schwartz'z mansion to steal the unretouched photos of her then teen mom. Janey said her mom used to suffer from some kind of "deforming facial disease" that would cause her face to look like this.............

Ooops...I wasn't supposed to let anyone see those photos. Oh well. Sorry,Janey but you knew I would probably do this during one of my manic attacks. Mo may get upset at me for showing you these two photos. Though she is the one who sends me e-mails with photos like this.........

and captions like this,"Hi Shaye! Look! I only got one arm too! Janey and me want to do wired therapy with you! I got Janey a couple of dolls and I named one Shaye and the other Mo! I made Janey give the dolls medicine!Oh yeah,I got the sores again too!". WTF! OMG. Real nice,eh? Does she think I am pleased to see and read that trash? Janey said that Mo paints sores on her face,lays on her couch surrounded by pillows,puts a thermometer in her mouth,and calls people telling them that she "has the sores". Janey says Mo will do this for days on end. One time Mo called her TV mom Florence Henderson and told her she "had the sores and only one arm"!!! This traumatic news caused Florence to get so freaked out that she began to run around her livingroom, her nightgown got too close to the fireplace,that had a roaring fire in it at the time,causing the sheer nightie to burst into flames. When Mo heard about what happened to Florence she sent e-mails out,to everyone in her address book,with only this picture attached.

WTF? Florence's son,Fanny,got so enraged by the e-mail that he threatened to molest himself if Mo did not apologize within 2 days. Mo apologized in 3 days. Fanny is now institutionalized and taking part in a new radically extreme "self molestation" therapy at a local Jenny Craig Weight Loss Center. The receptionist at JCWLC told me,when I called to see if Fanny was getting better,that she thought Fanny would probably become highly retarded within 1 year,within 2 years she thought he would probably get a little better,she thought within 3 years Fanny would die in a plane crash,with a baby he will have kidnapped in order to stop his recent unending delusional thoughts of his blood turning to "pig sand" causing the "heaven angels to burn up in their nighties". Poor Fanny:(
A friend of mine,who knows all about the Mo situation, sent me this photo......

with the caption,"Looks like Mo gots the virus,eh?". The virus?! I called Janey and asked her if Mo had the virus. Janey said that Mo was trying to be "ana" (wtf!) so she could get on The View! I do not want to know what "ana" is because if I did know I would probably wanna be "ana" too, and get on The View.

Mo recorded the album When You Get A Little Lonely,seen above,as part of her plan to get on The View. Mo said all the songs are about "me being all ana and stuff". A friend of Pixston's,who works as a production assistant on The View,told Pixston that when the album arrived by "special delivery" Meredith Viera looked at the cover and said "What a hoe!" then she looked at the back cover to read the titles of the songs and said "the hoe is ana!". This caused Joy Behar to reveal that she too was "all ana and stuff" after an extensive hair styling session at Jose Eber's Salon. Joy's revelation caused Star Jones to get all righteous and talk about "getting your groove on when you need to get your groove on" and then rant about "furs keeping you warm and toasty when its 30 degrees outside" and finally how she "adores diamonds and jewels". Finally,not wanting to be left out,the young blonde co-host revealed that she likes to give "vom baths" to hobos while disguising herself as a cross between Annie Lennox and Dee Wallace. The audience erupted in tones of approval having been witness to juicy secrets. In the end the producers of The View decided Maureen was "way to gross" to be on the show. The head producer had Maury Povich call Mo and tell her she was scheduled to be "ana" on The View next week. When Mo heard the "fake" news she sent e-mails to every one she knows with this picture attached....

Uh? An autograph? Then she sent these photos........

asking people to decide which "look was more ana?" I voted for the "ana cowgirl". Then Mo sends this photo....

with this caption "I am totally sitting like this on the show. It really looks like I am talking about being ana and stuff. I bet Bloomingdales wanted an ana look to the ad.What do you think?". What do I think? I think if she sits like that with that look on her face everybody will believe she indeed has problems. Finally,a couplr of days ago,I get this e-mail from Mo.

"Shaye,I am going to pose like this during the parts when Barbra Walters interviews me. I look so ana in this picture. Bye,Mo".

Good Bye,Mo and Happy Birthday you piece of ana trash

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