Mar 31, 2009 21:12
I'm gutted.
My beloved Jornada died this morning, with a boot error, of which the only way out was to wipe the whole thing. I got it going again, but I think the motherboard is fritzed.
And, I lost EVERYTHING on it. All of which was backed up, EXCEPT the beta I've spent THREE HOURS on so far, and 1500 words of an erotic story which has a deadline of mid April. Neither of which were backed up. I know, my fault, I could have downloaded both last night, but I didn't.
I could cry.
I could reload stuff and try again, but I think it's a lost cause, as I spent my commute home fiddling with it, and during that time it had the same error three times. So even if I loaded stuff on to it, chances are it would be wiped by the time the train reached Balbriggan.
I've already found and bought a replacement on Ebay. 30 quid. They're so old now, they're practically giving them away, but no doubt it will take a week to arrive.
The only possible way out is to save files onto the compact flash, but even so, every time the motherboard fritzes, it's a 10 minute exercise to do a cold boot, and even that wasn't reliable this evening. I don't think it's worth it.
*cries again*