Was at
shaoann's lovely housewarming earlier and something he said struck a chord. He had invited all his family, colleagues, Christian and gay friends to his housewarming and said they had to just learn to get along with one another, or something to that effect.
As I reflected in the media reports, and the events of the year, and the disparaging remarks made by some Christians, especially in relation to the issue of homosexuality, have painted such bad light of Christians.
miak reminded us this morning in his sermon, Christians should be marked by their love. I want to add that they should be marked by their grace as well. But it almost seems that in many circles, Christianity is the anti-thesis of grace.
What is grace? In Christianity, it is taught that grace is the unmerited favour of God - that unconditional love that we receive not because of who we are or what we do. It is undeserved. And somehow, when we receive this grace in our lives and become Christians, we're taught to reflect that grace in all our relationships.
And somehow, Christians today seem to be the least gracious people as seen by the world. And so for all the evangelistic campaigns and prayer meetings, the most important thing that people need to do to live that life of sharing that grace, we don't do.
And suddenly, Christianity becomes this exclusive, homogenous members-only club.
We certainly have a long way to maturity.
Forgive us, Jesus, for constantly marring your image.