Ntohing says Solstice like fighting about religion with a side dish of politics.

Dec 22, 2007 22:20

First things first.  I wish everyone, especially those people that I am no longer in contact with, a very happy Solstice/Cristmas/Hannuka/Kwanzaa/Winter Holiday, and I miss you Virginia Lee, I hope that I see you again soon.

Dad said no solstice celebraions in the house so I'm home celebrating Solstice in my head 'cause it's rainy and icky outside (winter in georgia per usual)... and the rest of the grove is already in full tilt boogie.

Dad and I just recently had a pretty big falling out about why I don't believe in god and somehow got onto the subject of politics (he's good at maneuvering a conversation to make it fit his interests) and why I don't "really" believe in gay marriage.

So here you go--

1. Why I don't believe in "the" God

I don't believe in the Christian God because I have a really hard time getting behind all the mythology of it.  Big man who lives in the sky with lots of pretty people who have wings and a big red guy with a pitchfork  who lives in the uninhabitable core of the earth with all of his minions and hell hounds waiting for the people that don't believe in the big guy in the sky.  It's just too fantastical for me to get behind, which is saying a lot since I still believe in earth spirits and the occasional ghost.

It is simply much easier for me to believe that everything is sacred and that the earth is a living breathing thing that I have the obligation to care for. So get off my ass.

2. Why I don't really believe in  gay marriage

Most ancient societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species (perpetuation of the species is a lot of the reason that they said being gay was wrong in the first place).  It is an institution which was almost solely created around the idea of bearing children and a safe way in which to do that.  I don't care what kind of loop hole you can reason out of it two women or men simply cannot produce a child of their own accord.  I feel so much like a traitor saying this but gay couples don't really need the institution of marriage they need the civil rights that the institution of marriage has ammended and ratified into itself and those are (or at least should be if the separation of church and state were doing it's job) two entirely different things.

On a slightly more personal note,  I do not want to have anything to do with an institution that has been completely surrounded and infiltrated by ignorant, mean spiritied, candy-assed, self-righteous morons who think that it is within their power to tell other people how they may or may not live their lives.  If they want the institution of marriage all to themselves then fine, I honestly don't give  flying rat's ass.  I'm not asking for marriage, I'm asking for the pursuit of hapiness and, damn it all, that's written into our constitution.  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  I want to be able to see my partner in the hospital or adopt a child or own a house together without having to find some legal loophole.  Hell just the right to hold hands in public without the risk of dying would be a good start don't you think?

Ok, I think I'm done now.
Happy Solstice everyone.


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