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So here's a video someone pointed me at on YouTube that I thought you might find amusing after this past weekend's debuts of new episodes of Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who.
Anyway, my predictions are as follows. *SPOILER ALERT*
Doctor Who: I don't think Rose is actually back. The way she faded away at the end suggests to me that she's only discovered a means to project herself into this universe as a hologram the same way that the Doctor did at the end of Series 2 to say goodbye. The question is how. If the Doctor had to tap into a supernova to accomplish it, then how could Rose manage it? She would have to have had help, and the Daleks and Cybermen trapped within the void would seem to be the most likely candidates. The Doctor's holographic message having been projected through the void, they would no doubt have tapped into it and listened in. Whether or not they're somehow coercing Rose into helping them remains to be seen. The Doctor said it was impossible to break through the void again, but perhaps it's only impossible when acting alone from this side of the void? What if the Daleks and Cybermen were working with him to open a breach from inside the void simultaneously? I would think that might be tempting.
Battlestar Galactica: I'm convinced at this point that the final cylon is Laura Roslin. From a writing standpoint, one of the most dramatic things they can do is have the final cylon turn out to be someone on the show who has died. I was thinking possibly Lee Adama's brother, but now I'm thinking they plan to have Laura Roslin actually die of cancer in the middle of the final season and then reappear as the final cylon. Anyway, it makes sense to me, and I'm sticking to this theory for now until it gets disproved. And I do think that Starbuck is Starbuck now.