Jul 08, 2004 02:13
if only you know how much you ment to me...If only you knew how happy I felt when you where next to me...I just said those things cause I was mad....but really I do love you I don't want to let you go I don't want you to slip away....we've come so far plz don't turn your back on me....like the rest of the world has...Come back to me....I miss you I'm so lost without you..plz don't leave me...plz....If only you knew..if only you understood....I love you and I don't want you to go....
^ yes that means alot. its exactly how i feel.. =(
but anyways.. yesterday was fun!! i hung out with jess david eric and chris!! we played basket ball and me and david were flashing the cars haha... yea we were flashing our man boobs.. lol! then we just sat around at eric's and hung out. then we took david home and were gonna go swimmin at eric's but jess culdnt so we stayed at her house for a little bit. then we were gonna go 2 eric's baseball game but things changed i guess. and so me jess nick and chris just hung out at chris's we played basketball and then we were sitting on chris's lawn and i saw melissa..then i went up 2 her and told her to get her shaving cream and get chris.. it turned into a big war and everyone got it all over them except nick. then i just went home took a shower and just came over chris's and now im here rite now...
yea thats all for 2day!..peace