8th grade..

Nov 29, 2006 12:15

Your 8th grade year in middle school is supposed to be "the worst year of your life." Let's see how much you remember. I know for some, it might be hard for you to go back that far!

1. Who was your best friend ?
Jon Stenger, Bryan Chaney

2. Who did you like ?
the only other gay in my class was Joe Lynch... ew.. needless to say I remained rather celebate until high school.

3. What sport did you play ?
ummmm none that year. my health was friggin horrible. pneumonia TWICE thanks.

4. Did you buy your lunch?
parents paid. not much has changed.

5. It's Friday night, where were you ?
hanging out with Jon and Chaney somewhere, usually at my house, because my brother's friends could drive.

6. Were you a party animal ?
HAHA. wait a year.

7. Were you in the "In Crowd"?
Everyone I had classes with was "the crowd" so I was in by association. That's when i friggin hated it if people talked about me.

8. Ever skip school ?
i remember just up and leaving once. but i was more about fakin sick than anything.

9. Ever smoke ?

10. Did you go to football games
a few. a kid spit on me at one of them. grrrr. to be a nerd in middle school. HELL.

11. Did you get suspended/expelled?

12. Can you sing the alma mater?
there wasn't one.

13. Who was your favorite teacher?
i was friends with the art department. except mr. burkhardt, fucking perv.

14. Favorite class?
i have no idea. i really had more fun being a prankster that year in my classes than anything else.

15. What was your schools full name ?
Southport Middle School

17. Did you go to the dances?
a couple of them. 8th grade dance was the best. that was the day i cut off all of my hair.

18. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
i had some fun. pople were finally starting to accept me for who i was. it was an interesting time. but never in a million years.

19. What do you remember most about Middle School?
being a little bit of a prankster. i remember taking apart the lunch table and a few of the urinals. lol.

20. Favorite memory of your 8th grade year?
Always getting Sean Cleary in trouble.

21. Were you ever posted up on the 8th graders wall?
there was an 8th graders wall?!? where?!?

22. Did you have a job your 8th grade year?
no lol. unless you wanna count random shit at the shop from time to time.

23. Where did you go most often for lunch??

24. What did you do after 8TH GRADE GRADUATION?!
rejoiced that i was leaving.

25. Did you like your eighth grade year?
ehhhh best of times, worst of times.
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