Best of the fest

Sep 11, 2006 11:09

Well .. we killed at the brewfestival. Another triumph of decadence and sheer obnoxiousness.
I personally kicked 7 kegs serving. Doing the math, that is almost 1000 poured beers in 14 ounce glasses.

No shit.

Hellova weekend. Naturally, Wayne and I were the first volunteers on scene, and accordingly, the last ones out. We are the Marines of this festival.
Even a few of the organizers were impressed. .. Impressed mostly at the fact that we were there bright and early the next morning after working all day and drinking all night.

Although we didn't have the temp tattoos this year, we still found our fun. Saturday there was this gal working a few tables down from us, she did not have the volunteer shirt on so we just figured she was with this company or that. Lot of the brewpubs and such had some of their own people there so we really didn't think much of it .. well with the exception that none of the guys there could help but to stare.
So, (keep her in mind, she'll be back) .. Then the rain came. And came, and came, and came. It also brought hail with it for kicks. Wasn't that bad though, it was still rather hot out and with a little help we moved the tables in about a foot so that we were still able to serve under the tent and not get soaked, in theory at least.
We got soaked.
A lot of the pouring crew bailed out during the storm, they didn't want to get wet, or it was just the 5 o'clock shift change. Either way I was running three tables during the storm. We had to keep pushing the water off the edge of the tent and there are a few pictures floating around of us getting a waterfall in the head because of this, again it wasn't bad because of the heat.

So, re-enter the hottie down the way. She was pretty well buzzed and having a good ole time during the rain. I was impressed at the fact that it really didn't bother her. The gal was wearing heels and a miniskirt, she had her hair piled up under a cap but still, and I don't want to pigeonhole, but what gal who looked like her wouldn't care? So, the rain ends and she comes down to one of the booths I was covering along with one of the vendors and started pouring. I thanked them for the relief and they both said something along the lines of "we can't let you have all the fun."
So, in the rain, the promo chalk board for the Peoples' Pint (which was now the only one I was pouring) had gotten soaked and was now and empty slate, literally.
Time to fuck around.
Wayne and I, who was now working next to me helping out our idol Chris O'connor from the Northampton Brew Pub, started off with simple one liners that we held aloft.
"I'm not wearing any pants"
"My future Ex-Wife" Held above the head of Ryan, another volunteer that I had been flirting with all day.
"Looking for that one special gal or several average ones"

Then she popped in. Miniskirt and cap .. "Can I write something?" Wayne gave her the board and said that it had to be dirty and totally inappropriate. She responded "Oh you have no idea what I can be like."
Her first sign, which she held above my head read :

"He gave me crabs!"

I took the shot and told her that now she had no idea what she was up against, but if she wanted to bring it, it was on.
At this time, this older guy who had been there all day by one of the more popular booths, actually the same one this gal had been working for and hanging around at before the rain, came up and talked to her for a minute. I just thought he was another vendor owner and she was one of his waitresses or bartenders, but nothing really special. Turns out he was two things.
He asked her how we knew each other and without skipping a beat, while pouring I leaned in and said "I met her after the donkey show in Mexico." The guy just chuckled and went on his way. The gal lost it. She all but fell over laughing. Wayne overheard me and asked if I knew who that guy was and then told me that he was some big-wig with our company that handled the bread distribution for all 50 stores in the chain.
Oops #1
She slaps me on the back and pulls me over still tearing with laughter and informed me of Oops #2
"That was my Dad!!!!"

Admittedly, I was a bit embarrassed, but she just laughed it off and got me with the board again.

"He is carrying my love child"

I responded: "She is not even sure if it is Hers."

Hers : "The best 2 inches you will ever have!"

Mine : "Ask her if they are real" (which evey guy in the place eventually did)

Hers x 2 : "Is willing to give reach-arounds"
"Will work for oral"

Mine : "Kate, 34-26-36"

I took the final shot with another one that sent her to the floor : "The curtains don't match the carpet"

By that time the chalk was gone and there was no clear cut winner. Good chunk of the night we ended up having a popcorn war and giving one another pale blue hand marks from the leftover chalk that we were now coated with.

She was really cool and fun to hang out with, love the attitude. A lot of people came me after we were done serving at 10 o'clock and asked if we were together, they were a little freaked when I told them that we had just met a few hours earlier.

What a trip. Chris had taken Wayne and I out to his pub after the festival was over and gave us a tour of his brewing works. He threw in a nice tasting of his "private stock", gotta love it.
I am impressed just that much more by all these guys every time we get to see a new one from the inside. There is so much more to the larger scale brewing then you would think. These guys are chemical and from what I have seen mechanical gods.

Well time to wind up. It's Monday and time to check the fantasy football numbers.
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