Dec 01, 2006 16:42
I knew things weren't great financially with us, but I seamed to be juggling things alright. Every since my husband quit his job and we went that short space of time with out income, all our bills are behind and we were $400 in the hole with the bank. So when my husband gets his check the first thing he does is take out his "going money" then what I've been doing is paying our bills when we get a cut off notice. I know that's bad, but I really haven't had any choice. when I get them in the mail I put them on a nail on the wall so I can see it and not forget it. Then after I pay what we absolutely have to out of the pay check. I put gas in the car and I try to keep out at least $25-$50 for groceries. Then I put the rest in the bank toward the overdraft.
Well today I had to go to my husbands job to take him a form letter he had asked me to make for him. It was around lunch time, so I stayed and waited around and had a late lunch with him. After lunch I went to the grocery store to get a few things so we can make it through the week. It's about half an hour from our house to my husbands job, so by the time I got home it was almost time to pick the kids up from school. I decided to go ahead and go to the house first, because I had bought milk and I wanted to put it in the fridge. When I pulled into the driveway there was something hanging off our door knob. IT WAS A TERMINATION NOTICE!! OUR WATER HAD BEEN CUT OFF!! I just wanted to curl up in a ball and make the world go away. NO, we absolutely did NOT get any notification in the mail. They are supposed to send you a notice in the mail before they show up at your house and turn anything off, but even though we didn't get that, I knew there was absolutely NOTHING I could do. This has happened to us once before several years ago. It was back when I was working and in the middle of winter. By the time we picked the kids up from day care and then made the drive home it was after dark every day when we got home. Well one night we came home and our electricity had been turned off, and exactly like this time we had not received a shut off notice, it had just been turned off. The house was cold and pitch black, with no way to light or warm it. We also had two hungry children and because apparently the electricity had been turned off early that morning all the food that was in the frig had gone bad, and the saddest part was that it was payday, we had the money with us to pay the bill, but we didn't get paid until the end of the day when the lot was closing. We had planed on paying the bill the next morning before we went to work, but instead we not only had to pay the bill, we had to pay a HUGE reconnect fee as well as try to replace the food that was in the fridge.
The water being cut off didn't hurt us as bad as all that, but because of not getting any type of disconnect notice in the mail, I got the same sensation of being crapped on and completely helpless to do anything about it and I just couldn't help it, I started crying standing out in the open in front of our house, because FYI when it comes to weather or not you were notified, it's just your word against there's and you have NO recourse because the law is on THERE side.
I called my husband to ask him what I should do and he of course blamed me. Then he told me to take the money out of the over draft at the bank. I wasn't entirely sure that I would be able to do that because I still had not completely paid it off from last time, but I didn't say anything about my concerns, because I knew that would only start a fight between us. Thankfully I was able to get the money though and we now have water again.
Yes, I know I have many, many things to be thankful for. Reminding my self of that is the only reason I'm not still crying.
I'm trying not to allow my self to get too upset, because depression has a habit of snow balling, so I'm going to try to nip it in the bud by fixing a nice dinner with the food I bought today and spending some quality time with my kids. I'll see if they would be interested in playing a game with there old mom after dinner.