got some gin in me, hate my aunt Denise.

Nov 27, 2005 01:33

Okay, first of all, where does a band like Audioslave get off writing songs about dandelions? What the FUCK?...

"Little dandelion, let your heart keep time.
Now the clouds are gone,
You're tomorrow's shine"

something like that. Chris Cornell has single-handedly RUINED Rage Against the Machine. Not that anyone really cared in the first place I guess.

So I haven't updated in awhile. This is true, for those of you who have actually kept track. A few things have gone down, but only a few, since I am perhaps the most boring person on earth.
Bulleted points will spare you the pain of actually being interested in my life:

-My article about sewage comes out in about a week.
-Matt and my 3-year anniversary is on the 18th
-My reporting prof and I are working on getting me an internship at the Bellingham Herald.
-Retail, as you might have guessed, is probably the most evil thing on the face of the earth, especially the two days after Turkey day, which I had to work.
-Speaking of Turkey day, it absolutely blew balls. Not BLUE balls, BLEW balls. I got to see my cousins, however tipsy they may have been, which was good. But my aunt is a totally ignorant east-coast bitch who thinks that people can only be happy if they make a lot of money.

Okay, I'm going to break from the bullets for a moment. Why is there this stigma that you can only be happy if you have money??? My uncle and aunt just bought a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom yacht. Yet she STILL complains about her job, about Uncle Allan's job, about how fucking hard her life is even though she has no problems compared to 99 percent of the world. Shut the fuck up about your hot flashes, okay? You're a woman and you have to deal with being a little warm for two minutes. I know it's hard, but FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THE ONLY PROBLEM YOU CAN POSSIBLY CONJURE THAT YOU ACUTALLY HAVE, OKAY? No one gives a fuck when you're miserable. So you might as well be happy.

abd just because you make a lot of money testing people's pee at the hospital, doesn't mean you're more intelligent than anyone else. Sorry. I know you were counting on that to make yourself seem smart, but too bad. You probably don't even know how to work an ipod, you're so far behind the times.

And stop being so fucking East Coast. LOUD, RUDE, and NEVER STOPS COMPLAINING. Why... WHY do you complain every single family gathering about having to bake the pies? You know that the one thing you're good at is baking pies, and that's actually the only thing anyone will let you cook because they are afraid, so when someone gives you a compliment, just fucking take it instead of saying "well, the crust was dry, but thanks anyway..." or "I don't know why I have to bake all the pies anyway..." shut the fuck up, man.

And the next time you ask me about my major, try to remember what it is, and has been for the past three years. Try to remember that just in case you don't want to have to tell me that I'm "not going to make any money doing that... Is that REALLY what you want to do?" Yeah... cuz it IS what I want to do. And some people do things because they acutally care about things that matter, and they actually do something because they're passionate about it, and not because it will make them money. FUCKING GROW UP. I bet you don't even make that much anyway, and you're just mooching off of Allan, who actually works for a good cause as a wind power guy for GE. Whatever. I just wish I didn't have to talk to you in a month when you're going to ask me once again what my major is because the only reason why you ask me is because you feel like you have to... and you're just waiting for your next turn to speak anyway, which is why I'm sure you've forgotten the 20 times before that I've told you what fucking my major is.

And leave my little brother alone. I know that you're under some kind of dillusion that he's in his 20s like the rest of us "kids" but LAY OFF. He's only 18. And just because he has a slight interest in medical careers doesn't mean you have to sink your fangs in to him and grill him about what he wants to do for the rest of his life. Who knows what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they're 18. Fuck off, man.

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