So wow, brace yourselves because this is going to be the super mega update of the century.
Backpacking trip last weekend was interesting. It was okay until we were about half a mile away from the campsite and it started raining... and didn't stop until 2 the next day. We were wet and miserable most of the time, but the trip still had its good moments.
Everything started out fine on the drive up (Steve looks tired... or annoyed)
Here's our very wet camp
The camp site was near a basin of a glacier, so there were some mighty large rocks to climb
Spam is something you'll only eat while camping if you're smart.
And, this is gross, but everytime we peed somewhere, deer would come into our camp where someone peed and start licking at that spot. Weird. But kinda cool.
Okay, so since we got rained out, we came home a day early and decided to go on a day hike on Sunday. Steve, Matt and I went to Lake Ann up at Mt. Baker.
This was on the way up. The mountain behind us is Mt. Shucksan.
Here's Shucksan again from Picture Lake
Here's Baker... gorgeous day!
This is Lake Ann after four miles of hiking.
This is a glacier on Shucksan that Steve and Matt got really close to (I took a nap at the lake, ha)
After the hike we went to Artist Point and watched the sunset
We saw some really silly guys there with like souped up hondas or something taking pictures of their cars, so before we left we had to take a gangsta picture ourselves. Ha.
After all that hiking we went to Shari's at like 10 at night and ate ourselves silly. I just about passed out because I was so tired... It was a good weekend after all.
I've had the last couple days off, and have been taking the first steps to moving out. I've had one girl come look at my apartment and it's so funny because I could just see in her face that it wasn't what she was expecting at all... But what really does someone expect from a one bedroom for 375 a month? So I'm having more people come tomorrow. We'll see. Meanwhile I went back over to my future place to check out the carpets again. Stains... but it thankfully doesn't need replacing. I'M SO EXCITED TO MOVE!!!! A full fridge and a stove and an actual closet for a change!!! Yipeee.
And, after five days off of work, I have to back today. Horrible, isn't it? hahaha.