ok, so DANIELA told me to update..so I am...not cause I'm her bitch or
anything.....no really. ANYWAY
alright, so let's see, what's been up?? to be honest...not much.
Waiting to work, should be a good job, 10 bucks an hour for 20 hours a
week, just waiting for paperwork to go through. Otherwise, I have yet
to see people I was promised I'd see, like Dani, Kristin,
Michelle....what's going on??....doesn't anybody love sid the sloth??
(it's from Ice Age, come on, it's a funny movie)I'll hang out with you
all eventually, it's still may, we have time.
Haven't heard from Kate at all, I kinda wonder what's happening with
her and her "beloved" David but I also kinda don't, more so the latter
than the former. Saw him at teh mall the other day...christ, what a
fucking runt, it'd be funny if he tried to fight me to "preserve Kate's
honor" I'd have fun with him. So yeah, speakign of puny runts...I sense
a fight happening this coming school year. all it's gonna take is one
night, some alcohol, and one comment, have him swing first...and jsut
*pow* lay him out...thsi prick deserves it. Jocks who are actually
jocks can talk shit, cause most of the time, they have some sustenece
to their shit talking, they can back it up, this kid is writing checks
his body can't cash, I might have to make him realize this if he
doesn't get his head out of his ass. We'll see what happens with him
What else....ummm, not much else, been trying to teach myself C++
using namespace std;
int main()
int x = 0;
while ( x < 10 ) {
cout<< x <
There that's what I've learned, a loop program, it counts from 1-10,
simple, until you mess with it and tell it to count to 100,000,000 by
10's....then it takes a while to do and you have to stop it
prematurely.....but let's not talk about that now. Aside from that,
I've been doing a bit of rendering, you all can check it out
newest stuff is at the bottom. other than that, that's all I've
been up to. I'll update again, next time some one tells me