Thanks to all who came out to Toronto on Sunday for the Blue Jays game and the gathering at East Side Mario's.
It's been what, 9 months or so since I've seen most of my friends in Ottawa? 9 months since I've even been to Ottawa. It's unreal to think that I've been gone this long. I'd never lived anywhere else in my life, and now I havn't seen the city for what is approaching a year.
I really appreciate the effort all of you made in coming out. Especially to Chris and Sarah who seemed to take on a leadership role in making it happen. It's funny, I've been able to keep myself occupied with work, a slowly growing social life, and a lot of video games. Enough that I didn't think I really felt the void. Then seeing so many of my friends again Sunday it made me realize how much I really do miss them.
I have to make it home more often.
Of course I also will have to because Amy is returning home next weekend :( I'm hoping to be able to take her, as well as attend a family event that Saturday. If I do make it I'd be glad to see as many people as possible in the little time I have.
It's been great to have Amy here. We've had some growing pains learning what it's like to live together, but what else could you expect? I think in a more perfect world (a job she actually liked, we both had more other friends around) it would've worked really well. As such, we had some issues but man was it a thrill to have her with me day in and day out. She got me out there doing things - walking a lot more, exploring where I live, just getting out of the house and doing something.
The bottom line of our time together is that I've been much happier with her here than without her. Period, there's absolutely no question of that. I wish she didn't have to leave. Frankly I think we're doing the best we have living together right now, and I don't want to give it up. As a two month experiment I give it the thumbs up, and I think it'll only be that much better next time. Hopefully soon.
Amy and I often seem to have a lot of superficial things we don't agree on. She's not a sports fan, our music tastes often differ, etc. But you know in talking with her more and more, especially on some of those long walks, it's obvious we both want so many of the same things in life. I'll miss her.
I've also really liked having a dog around. Tinker is the older one pictured here with me. She's an interesting one. Some dogs are constantly after attention and will do anything to get it. Tinker does what she wants. When she wants our attention, she'll give us the "poke." Say I'm petting her or scratching her, if I stop and she wants more she'll hit me with her paw. Sometimes several times, at least until she gets her way. But if I go to pet her or pick her up when she's not in the mood I'll get a quick growl. Amy likes to say it's when her love tank is full.
Anyway, Tinker and I get along famously and have ever since Amy first moved back to her Dad's house. It's been great having her here. We've been walking her a lot and have helped her drop a few pounds. She's apparently in the best shape she's been in for years.
Having Tinker here was a result of Amy visiting and my new landlord saying it was OK with him if I had a dog for the summer. I kind of took that to the next step and decided I could then go ahead and get my own dog. I wanted one ever since leaving home, and my two fish wern't really working out as companions. The latest one (Lenny) offed himself jumping out of the bowl. I guess I'm not that interesting.
So here is my latest addition. He's a mix of a Shitzu or however you spell it, and a Westie. Or West Highland Terrior. Something like that. He's a little puppy we saw being sold near my house. I wanted to get something from the pound, but there were no hyper-allergetic dogs there. After a few days of careful consideration and a name the dog contest on
Mix 106... I decided on Amy's suggestion of Mowgli for the name. An amazingly cute kid came up with Bear and won the contest on Mix, so that's going to be his middle name.
Puppies are a hand full. He always wants attention. He chews anything he can get his paws on. He doesn't really understand when I scold him, but he does understand praise. He's learning more and more to pee outside, he's starting to listen more when I tell him no. I think Mowgli's making great progress given I've only had him for like 2 weeks. He's all ready growing too, it's amazing.
A dog is quite a comitment too. I mean I'll have this guy until I'm close to 40 at least. That's something. 40! But I love him all ready, and he'll help ease the void left by Amy and Tinker when they leave me.
Hope I can see those I havn't seen soon, and those I just saw sooner than another 9 months.