Books Review - Terrier & Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce

Feb 01, 2010 18:00

Tamora Pierce: Terrier

Beka Cooper, the ancestor of a certain Rouge, is training to become a Dog, which is kind of the local police in Tortall. Terrier is about her first year as a "Puppy", which is a Dog in training. She is assigned to two of the most famous Dogs, Tunstall and Goodwin. All three of them are serving in the Lower City, the most dangerous district for a Dog. It's the place where Beka was born, before she became part of the household of Lord Gershom of Haryse, who is leading all Dogs in the realm.
She becomes friends with the future Rogue of the City and his friends, who are living with her. They are helping her in bringing down a murderer and a child-kidnapper/murderer known as the "Shadow Snake".

Tamora Pierce: Bloodhound

In the Second Book she is trying to find her way as a junior Dog. She has yet to be assigned to a partner, because she scares everyone of, except for her training Dogs. For a hunt of Colemongers she has to go to Port Caynn, where she meets a love-interest, Dale Rowan. She is assisting in taking down the ring of Colemongers, which are trying to ruin the Realm.


Beka has a strong sense for justice, she is a very honest soul but nevertheless I feel she is often overestimating things. I just don't get, why she is often such a stubborn, silly thing. She despises criminals, yet she is friends with a lot of them. She is even living there!  I don't get her problem with Rosto. Rosto really likes her, making her small gifts, stealing kisses and accepting her the way she is. Sure, he is also the Rouge, but... Honestly, some Dogs are as bad as any Rat, especially the Cage Dogs, whom are torturing people to get the truth. It's working perfectly well, because even if you are innocent, you'll probably never have a normal life again after you had broken every bone in your body for example. If you don't have enough money to buy yourself free, well... you have got a problem. Of course it's allowed in the name of justice, since there aren't any mages, who can summon truth-spells... oh wait, Tortall has lots of mages!
See? I don't see, what's so bad about the Rouge comparing it to the Dogs. Rosto isn't going to kill innocent people as well, just the ones, who have done something to deserve it. Beka is getting on my nerves and then she is bedding with a courier and gambler *rolls eyes* That's so much better, because Beka is suspecting him to have a part in the colemongering... So why was Rosto not good enough for her?  I really like Rosto, he is really caring for Beka and not into the whole "Dog & Duty"-nonsense. I truly hope, she is going to get a decent man (in other words: ROSTO) in the next books, starts having babies and stops being a Dog.
It's hard for me to see a real difference in Dogs and Rats. Both of them are often just caring for themselves and their food, Dogs are using their batons to hit everyone hard on the head, if they are in their way, regardless if it's deserved or not and well... there are good and bad ones. Okay, Dogs are supposed to work for the law, but... they even take bribes from the rats and everyone else in the district they are guarding. It's called Happy Bag and I'm really wondering if the difference between a Dog and a Rat is so big...

life, book: tamora pierce

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