so not tired

Apr 09, 2006 01:56

1. name: Steve
2. ???
3. sex: male
4. bday: Oct 16th
5. sign: libra
6. siblings: 2 older brothers
7. hair color: brown
8. eye color: hazel
9. shoe size: 8.5
10.height: 5'8.5"
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: jon and zac
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
3. did you send this to your crush?: no
4. did your crush send this to you?: no
5. are you a virgin?: no
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: eb games?
2. any tattoos or piercings: no
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: No
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: herbal essences
3. what are you most scared of?: not knowing what i really want to do untill its too late
4. what are you listening to right now?: silence
5. who is the last person that called you?: Kathy
6. where do you want to get married?: i guess i'm getting married in a church
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 29, well lets face it, its 1am
8. what would you change about yourself?: pick something
f a v o r i t e s
1. color: blue
2. food: home cooked
3. boys names: Arvid
4. girls names: Samantha
5. subjects in school: chem was cool in hs, education is better in college
6. animals: eh...
7. sports: football?
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: yeah, sticking with um...
2. smoked?: no
3. bungee jumped?: no
4. made yourself throw up?: no
5. skinny dipped?: no
6: ever been in love?: i am in love
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
8. pictured your crush naked?: of course
9. actually seen your crush naked?: yep
10. cried when someone died?: no
11. lied: who hasnt
12. fallen for your best friend?: hm... i guess i did once, nothing ever happened
13. been rejected?: most defenatly
14. rejected someone?: no ones ever asked me out
15. used someone?: no
16. done something you regret?: i think this has list has been added to
c u r r e n t
clothes: khaki pants, boxers, socks, white t-shirt, blue/green polo shirt
make-up: none
annoyance: stupid phone
smell: nothing... stupid nose
favorite artist: *shrugs*
favorite group(s): green day
cd in player: none
dvd in player: The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe
color of toenails: natural?
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: Kathy
hugged: Kathy
you imed: Kathy
you yelled at: um... some stupid driver?
you kissed: Kathy
a r e | y o u
understanding: sure
open-minded: i've been told no
arrogant: stubborn
insecure: prolly
interesting: who are you kidding
random: i dont think i am
hungry: no, once again 1am
smart: used to be
moody: not usually
hard working: no
organized: i know where things are
healthy: i'm sure i could do better but i'm doing well for who i am
shy: heh, steve shy, no way
difficult: it happens
attractive: ask someone else this question
bored easily: this would be why i'm doing this
messy: have you seen my room, or my dorm room
responsible: do i have to be?
obsessed: with some things
angry: no
sad: no
happy: tonight was a good night
hyper: when have you ever seen me hyper?
trusting: will be till the day i die
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: hm... to many options
slap: everyone who does or says something stupid
get really wasted with: kathy or zac
get high with: *thinks of guy on halo 2 whos bong could be heard*
look like: no one
talk to offline: Kathy
talk to online: anyone
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: awake
all i need is: Kathy, love
love is: a very wonderful feeling
i dream about: things that dont make sense
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: nilla coke
flowers or candy: both are very good
tall or short: apparently short
o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: personality
last person you slow danced with: i dont remember that last time i danced... so i'm gonna go with kathy
worst question to ask: whatever you think you want to know but really dont
makes you laugh the most: Shannon
makes you smile: Kathy
gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Kathy
who do you have a crush on: Kathy, but i'm dating her so i dont think that counts as crush
who has a crush on you: i dont know you'd have to ask them
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: yes, but then i realize that she already went to sleep
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: not at all
wish you were younger: eh, it would be a little helpful perhaps
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: too many
of hearts i have broken: two?
of guys ive kissed: none
of girls ive kissed: 7
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: 2
of cds i own: 5?
of scars on my body: 6?
of things that i regret: this list seems to be growing
y o u r | t h o u g h t s
I know: nothing
I want: Kathy
I have: nothing
I wish: a toyota spyder
I hate: someone
I fear: being stupid
I hear: my conputer
I search: for nothing, if i find something than thats cool
I wonder: what i'm doing in life
I regret: hasnt this been asked twice already?
I love: Kathy
F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like fillings these out?: when i'm bored
2. gold or silver: silver looks nicer but gold means more
3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: V for Vendetta
4. favorite cartoon/anime?: simpsons
5. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: eggs?
6. who would you love being locked in a room with?: Kathy
7. could you live without your computer?: man it sucks, cant talk to anyone
8. would you color your hair?: no
9. could you ever get off the computer?: i have before
10. habla espanol? si hablo espanol, pero no bueno
11. how many people are on your buddy list? 59
12. drink alcohol? occasionly
13. like watching sunrises or sunsets? not if i'm driving otherwise yes
14. what hurts the most?: hurting the one i love

School Life
What's your school's mascot?: Lion
School color(s)?: Blue and yellow.
G.P.A.?: ~2.7
Who is your favorite teacher?: Minogue
What do they teach?: education
Is this your favorite class?: very much so
Do you use any instant messengers: yes
If so, which ones?: AIM
About how many hours a day do you spend online?: how many hours dont i?
Do you have a digital camera?: yep
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online?: there are some out there
Do you play any instruments?: used to play the flute
3 Favorite Genres Of Music: rock, pop, instrumental
3 Favorite Bands: green day?
Do you go to concerts and/or shows?: i've been to 2 in my life
What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?: ticket was like $40
What is the least you've ever spent?: $20 ticket?
Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny?: kinda
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to?: no
Did you notice the grammatical error in question 29?: most likely not, not that i know which one is 29
Word Association
Blue: gold
Camera: digital
Boy: zac
Pretty: girl
Pants: are good
Music: life
God: not sure
Sweater: cold
LiveJournal: bad
MTV: stupid
Labels: units of measure

Do you think labels are dumb?: clearly
Why or why not?: they dont fit people contrary to popular belief
What do people label you as?: idk, ask them
How/Why did you get this label?:
Which is Worse?

Physical Pain/Emotional Pain?: Emotional
Blink-182/Good Charlotte?: dont care
Being Deaf/Being Blind?: bliind
Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do?: bored
Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm? arm
Do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"?: i dont know
Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?: i'm starting to think no
Are you romantic?: i suppose so
Are you in a relationship now?: yes
If so, for how long?: 13 months?
If not, how long have you been single?:
What song describes your love life right now?: how would i know?
War, good or bad?: only thing its good for is killing people off, ie not good
What do you think of designer labels?: clearly a waste of money
Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?: both
What is it with guys and cars?: i have no idea
Do you sing?: Not well
If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)?: man my voice is deep
Kiss or hug?: both are very nice
What color is your room?: white
How old is your mom?: 58
Black and white or color photos?: Both. It depends on the subject
Who cuts your hair?: apparently no one since the last person moved
What color is your toothbrush?: purple
What color is your hair brush?: comb is black
What kind of hair products do you use?: i dont
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart?: isnt K-Mart more expensive?
Are you sexy?: by no stretch of the imagination
What color do people tells you looks nice on you?: apparently not orange
What color do you think looks nice on you?: not pink
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping?: neither, i'd rather go grocery shopping though
Who do you sit with at lunch?: whoever's in room 30
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: hell no
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know?: i have no idea
What is the website for one of your favorite bands? i dont have a favorite band
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you?: well lets
Do you listen to songs on repeat often?: no
Who was the last person you hung out with?: kathy, shannon, christina, jenna, mike, teddy
What did you and that person do?: played apples to apples
Do you use internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", et cetera)?: yes i'm lazy too
Are you a people-pleaser?: probably although its not my intension
Do you dye your hair regularly?: no
What about your eyebrows?: leave them be
Do you wear makeup?: no
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