Jan 14, 2006 23:53
so winter break is almost over.. can't wait to get back to bing.
this break has been an emotional rollarcoaster. and i'm ready for the ride to stop.
started off amazing. everything was perfect. had an amazing boyfriend, was getting along with my parents, had a job, and saw my friends..
things went to shit with kenny. still care about him but i guess we were meant to be friends. things slowly got really shitty between us and we were hating eachother for a good 2 weeks. it was horrible. i was depressed cause i couldn't call my best friends when other things were going wrong in my life. things are now better. we are back to being friends and being able to hang out. i miss not having him but i can't get everything i want.
home is hell with my parents. if i dont' clean my room they fucking go crazy. my mother has a serious bug up her ass and makes living home hell. i can't wait to get back because of them. they make me miserable and they make me feel unwanted.
my job is awesome. i have so much fun when i'm there. the girls i work with are a riot. at least i have a time to try to forget about everything. but when i'm bored there i go back to missing kenny. its awesome though cause i'm learning a lot. i do all the finger sticks (yay!) ekg's, UA's, and other random things. its fun and hey its money.
i found out i got the externship for the summer. i'm pretty psyched. its in the neonatal unit at the hospital and i'm going to learn sooooo mcuh. a;slkdfj i can't wait. i want to keep my job too.. which means i'll probably be working around 50 hours a week. the externship is 37.5 hours a week over 3 days. yay for nurses 12 hour days. i get paid amazing money so i'm happy. and then there are another 4 days that i'm not working. so i figure maybe i'll do like 6 hours one day and 4 another. and have 2 days off. hopefully my scheudle works out like that..
my friends are all back at school. it sucks. i see the others i made this break but not as much. i'm just ready to get back to bing and to start learning. i actually love nursing enough.
okay i'm done. sorry to those who read it all and got nothing. but i just needed to vent a little.