Feb 04, 2005 18:44
Friday, February 04, 2005
ok, the person who does the supervising for the westfield public schools saw me at a retirement dinner with my co-operating teacher (the one who i am doing my student teaching wtih) and she goes to her the next day and says she thinks highschool is not for me. she said i would get eaten alive. SHE HAS NEVER EVEN MET ME OR SEEN ME IN SCHOOL. she said she is basing this on the fact that at dinner i looked like i was too easygoing and kind. SINCE WHEN IS THAT A BAD THING. especially when i am at dinner. Isn't that proper manners? so now i got the head lady saying this. so my supervisor got called because she said this and she goes to my co-operating teacher and says, if he sticks it out worse comes to worse he'll get a B. wait, hold on a sec. there ain't no way in hell, i am gunna have a lower grade because i am nice. The students don't eat me alive... they respect me (2 of them are my friends... but... that lady don't know that). It is stuped that i might be force not to teach two of the classes on the basis of her observations at dinner. well, we have a two hour delay, so each class is like 18 minutes so it is gunna make it hard to prove myself can be strict. we'll see what happens but, somehow... i think this is sorta unfair and, wicked messed up!!!
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