Ghost of You.

Nov 20, 2005 03:25

I hear your footfalls traveling the length of the room. Your hands shuffling through a stack of paperwork on the coffee table, looking for any mail that may have come addressed to you-- even though you don't really live here. I hear the creak of the floor boards as you walk across them, and I smile to think how you always used to say I was quiet as a mouse, simply because I remembered which were loose.
You shuffle through your pocket, find what you're looking for, a small gold key. You place it in a bowl full of candy, where you know I'll find it.

I hear you trying to be quiet, and I can hear you. I contemplate ruining your fairytale by 'waking up' and confronting you. I secretly hope you taking things out of your pockets means soon you'll climb into the warm comforters I'm wrapped up in, and let me listen to you breathing.

I hear you walk up beside me, and pause. I can almost see you through my eyelids, looking down at me, thinking of how peaceful I look, how beautiful I am. I reach up to touch you, I open my eyes, hoping to see your smile again.

But by then, you were already gone. And now my dreams are shattered.

writing, dream

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