Mmm Platelets!

Mar 21, 2009 23:46

I'm donating platelets tomorrow. I've never done this before. A little squicked out that they're going to take my blood, put it through a machine, take part of it out, and then put the rest of my blood back. I asked the woman if she could just... I dunno, throw the extra blood parts away or something. She said no, that I actually need those parts back, because of how much they take.

Basically, it's the same procedure as they use for giving plasma (which I almost did, but didn't because they don't like to take plasma from people with a blood mutation-- the Red Cross however says that a Factor V mutation is fine, as long as I'm not an anticoagulants). They put a tube in one arm, take the blood out, process it and then feed it through another tube back into you along with some saline to keep you hydrated. Meanwhile, you can read or watch tv or whatever. The woman said they usually have a few movies if you want. It takes about 2 hours.

I'm sort of nervous, and a little anxious. But it should be a good time. And I love helping people not die!
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