Dec 02, 2008 15:03
So I'm reading up on LGBT experiences in public secondary schools right now, and I found this article about Trans teachers, which I thought would be very interesting, but so far it's not really been all that interesting.
So I think, "eh, whatevs. I can use it for its bibliography if I don't find anything I like for my project".... and I'm reading, when i come to this paragraph:
"As gender and sexual orientation are not only closely linked, but often conflated, transgender people must discern between the two, or somehow come to understand the distinction, in order to fully understand their identities..." (and I think, Ooh, ok), and it goes on, "In Devor's (1997) study of 45 female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals, she found that a majority were sexually oriented toward women, and to varying degrees, most identified as lesbian for some period prior to identifying as FTM transsexual. Cromwell (1999) also notes that many FTMs and transmen live as lesbians prior to identifying as transgender." (and I think, well, okay, small sample size, AND not entirely accurate, but at least they're not saying *all*... but then it goes on...)... "Indeed, for female-bodied people, identifying as a lesbian is a stepping stone to transgender identity mainly because sexual orientation identities are more 'available' to explain personal experiences."