I'm generally a pretty low-key guy. I don't usually flip the fuck out about the little things, but...
So, my roommate and I were sitting in the front room, eating pieces of chocolate, knitting, and watching Dr. Who. Nothing terrible about this; actually, it's something that I enjoy doing. She was supposed to be cleaning the house because she's having family over tomorrow, but... I wasn't stopping her from cleaning. She just decided to watch TV with me.
Anyway, we finish the episode, and she puts her glass in the kitchen and throws away the candy wrappers, and I pick up some of my random crap laying on the floor that I should have thrown away weeks ago, but I've been distracted...
And I go into the kitchen, and I throw the paper in the garbage-- which is full, but not necessarily "I need to be taken out" full. So I had to press it down a little to get the papers to fit, and my hand touched the inside of the lid, which felt wet.
So I said, "ew" meaning to make a deal of it to Barbara, just to be a jack-ass... and just as I'm about to say, "something wet got on my hand from the garbage can" ... I looked down, and... what I thought was just moisture...
I screamed and thrashed about, and flailed about like my hand had just been cut off... you know, standard reaction for "there's a disgusting thing crawling on my body help me get it off get it off getitoff!"
And Barbara comes running into the room, and she's like, "are you okay, what's wrong" all frantic, because obviously I'm on the verge of tears and I'm holding my wrist with one hand and flailing about.
So I told her what happened, and she said, "oh," rolled her eyes, and took the trash out.
Then I spent ten minutes washing my hands. I can still feel where it touched me.
Barbara says I irritate her when I do that. "I've lived on my own a long time, and, while I also don't like slugs, I've just gotten used to taking care of it."
Seriously though. It touched me. On my hand. With its little slimy self. And it was HUGE! Like, an inch long, if not more. Long and fat and slimy.
*shudders* I don't think I'll be sleeping very well tonight.