Fun with Language!!

Feb 28, 2008 13:49

This is a Language Aptitude Test that was administered in my ESL class. It is designed to measure your ability to learn another language. I thought you all might enjoy it, as I thought it was rather fun. In class, we were given about 10 minutes, but... you can take all the time you want.

This is a selection from the LAT used for the admission into the Department of Classics at the University of Oxford. Just in case you were wondering.

The question in this section are all based on an invented language, called Babel. Read each group of examples carefully, paying particular attention to different forms of words, and working out what information they convey (just as in English there are differences between e.g. cat and cats, or beckon and beckons and beckoned). Word order in Babel is different from that of English, and is not entirely fixed; it is not a reliable guide to the meaning of the sentences. Note also that Babel has nothing corresponding to English "the" and "an", so that e.g. bats may be translated as 'the king' or 'a king'. You are advised to work through the questions in this section in the order in which they are given, as the later ones presuppose some information or vocabulary supplied in earlier examples.


bats mug molti 'the king praises the servant'
bats mugans molti 'the king praises the servants'
mugas bat kadonti 'the servants hate the king'
mugs batans kadti 'the servant hates kings'
totans bats lubti 'the king likes children'

Give the meaning of: mugs tot kadti

batans totas lubonti

Translate into Babel: 'the kings praise the servant'

bats mugans nemolto 'the king did not praise the servants'
totas gav pelonto 'the children chased the dog'
filans tots lubto 'the child liked elephants'
filas gavans nelubonti 'elephants do not like dogs'
mugs totans nikto 'the servant washed the children'

Give the meaning of: gavs fil nepelto

batas mugans nemolonto

Translate into Babel: 'the servants did not wash the child'

There ya go, folks. I'm interested in seeing what some of the people on my friends' list can do. It's just for fun, and I thought it was interesting, so feel free to give it a try, even if you don't want to post your responses.


meme, language, uncg

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