Oct 15, 2007 01:05
I'm having a moment of existential crisis, but I'm not sure if I could properly articulate the exact sentiment to reflect the processes that are causing this particular moment.
I have some friends over for the next few days. I love them both dearly, and I really enjoy having people to spend time around, but at the same time, I have this extreme desire for processing time, and they've traveled quite a way to visit me from Birmingham, Alabama, and here I am, thinking about things which put me in direct conflict with their visit.
I dunno, I guess I'm just tired. When they go to sleep, I think I'm going to do some journaling, maybe. I haven't written in my paper journal since before two weeks, and I've been meaning to, but I haven't because I'm avoiding it, I think. That doesn't bode well for my processing. No wonder I'm having a moment of murky clarity and befuddling confusion.
Also, today, I ate a lot of food. A lot. For breakfast, I ordered a waffle, an order of hashbrowns with mushrooms, and some wheat toast. I ate the waffle, the hashbrowns, the toast, Angel's toast, half of Angel's waffle, and half of Emily's chocolate chip waffle. And, I'm sure, that had Angel not covered his eggs in syrup, I would have eaten them as well. *sigh*
Then I went to church. When I got out of church, we went to Cosmic Cantina in Durham, and I ordered 2 double-steak tacos, because I figured if I didn't eat them, I would just put them in the fridge, and eat them later. ...I ate them both.
Then we drove home and Emily made some popcorn.
I have no idea where the food went. Huh. I wonder if I'll be hungry tomorrow.