A Life Changing Event.

May 14, 2007 22:19

This seems like an odd way to tell people, but hey, no better way to tell everyone at once than to use the ol' eljay...

I'm moving to North Carolina.

Yes, you've read it correctly. I'm moving to North Carolina.

Here's what the plan is. I've scheduled myself to take the GREs on June 2nd. I'm going to apply for graduate school at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, for their M.Ed. in ESL.

I'm going to do spectacularly on the GREs, and my letters of recommendation are going to be amazing, and my personal statement will dazzle... and I will get accepted for the fall term, because I absolutely will have my application packet in by July 1, if not sooner, since July 1 is when I leave for Arizona.

And then I'm going to pack up my car (and Gail's van if I have to, but I don't think I will), and move to Winston-Salem, NC (a stones-throw from Greensboro, I hear). I'll have an apartment already lined up, of course, since I know people in the area who will help me procure one. I'll move right in, and find a part-time dead-end job to support my existence while I wait for my student loans to come through.

And, since I qualify for a dependency over-ride, I'll get spectacular student aid. I do have to file my FAFSA yet, but that shouldn't be too big of an issue. I have, again, until July 1 to do so. If I don't get amazing student aid, though, that's okay, because I can just take out a loan to cover the amount of my first year, after which, schooling will be cheaper because I'll qualify for in-state tuition. Worse come to worst, I can always ask my grandparents and/or my sister for a loan to help me out at first.

So, I'm going to graduate school. In North Carolina. That's all there is to it. Yep.

Just thought I'd let you know.


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