Larissa made me.

Sep 07, 2006 23:14

Larissa made me go shopping. She made me go clothes shopping. She made me go clothes shopping at the mall. *blink*

I tried on a bunch of things, and she wouldn't let me keep anything she said was too big, and I couldn't fit my head in this one shirt and she yanked it down over my head and it hurt and I was afraid I couldn't get it off, but then I liked how it looked, but el cabeza es demasiado grande... so... nope.

And then she made me try on pants, and she told me if I didn't agree on a pair quickly, she would make me shop in the women's section. We looked in husky boys, but my hips are too wide.

And I kept trying to pull the pants around my hips instead of my waist, because otherwise I feel like the Urkel, and Larissa grabbed a hold of the waist and pulled it up to /my/ waist and in the process, crushed my bits.

But she said she does that to all her guy friends, and that I should stop doubling over in pain, because it didn't really hurt /that/ bad. But it seriously hurt. Crunched my metal bits into my squishy bits inappropriately and unexpectedly.

So I got 30x30s, which are hard to find. But they're beige-brown cordoroys, and I got them at la Target for $20.

So, I got a blue long sleeve dress shirt with a tie-thing, a red and blue striped polo, a purple and white striped polo, and a green snap-button dress shirt... and a pair of cords for like 47 dollars.

and all because larissa is fuckin' sick of picking out clothes for me because I don't have any.

Thank you Larissa, for kicking my ass and getting me out of the house. I just wish I'd asked you before you went to bed which shirt I should wear *laughs* for tomorrow. But I guess I'll be a big boy and get dressed all by myself. heh.

Kk sleep time. bye!

larissa, student teaching, clothes

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