Tonight was the Night Out Against Crime in our neighborhood. I am pretty sure it's a nationwide thing, but ours is right in the baseball field at the end (beginning?) of Hadley, so we went. I went with the Riley's last year, since Brandon had band practice.*
Anyway, it's interesting. They have the police horses there, drug sniffing dogs, the SWAT mobile, moonbounces and fingerprinting for kids, and FREE hot dogs, cokes, sno cones, and ice cream. Can you say "I'm in"? Knew ya could. And our neighborhood association was giving out t-shirts, coozies, keychains and bumper stickers with our logo and such. I love my neighborhood, but you are all well aware of that fact.
*insert melodramatic sigh here
Several classic cars were on display there as well. I think this would make a fantastic mommywagon for me (should I ever reproduce). Just fill it with a loving husband, a couple of kids and Jorge and another dog and I would melt. Oh, and a picnic basket, too. That would be a nice touch.
Police Copter
The Titan's mascot (T-RAC) was there!
Send in the Clowns - and their little cars, too! All the kids were terrified. Can you blame them?
Oooh, bet this just frustrates you non-Sonic having people to no end (CAIT).
We rearranged our bedroom the other night. Put the bed in the corner. Here is that corner. Now you can actually SEE the foot board at least - I love this bed. We got it from B's Great Grandma. I think we're going to do maybe a canopy type thing in the corner above the bed?
My liquor cabinet needs help! When the kitchen gets painted (yellow) so will the inside of this - It needs color! I need to figure out a better way to arrange/display the stuff inside. I have some lovely retro style drink recipe books I want to show off. I think on the inside of the doors will hang (simply framed) small cocktail notecards that I have. Ideas? Suggestions?