Oct 01, 2004 21:05
Let me just give an update on the traaagedyyyyy that has been my life in the past few days.
Wednesday: A little corporate celebration at Rodeo Bar on 27th and 3rd. I hadn't eaten anything since 11 AM, and it was 7 PM. Let's just say that I got more than a little bit trashed with my favorite coworkers (it was open bar, what do you expect?). I might have shouted "Keep it in the pants!" on more than one occasion. We were all kind of gone. I had a great time, and the pictures to prove it. They are nothing short of stellar.
Cut to 10 PM, I realize that I have to stumble home. Stacy tells me that I should take a cab, so apparently I hail one. Then halfway through the ride, I make him pull over so I can vomit outside. Just when I think I can't get any classier, I go and do something like that. The cab driver finally got me back down to Water St., and started yelling at me for getting some spit-up on the outside of the door (I might have spent the second half of the ride with my head partially out the window and spitting as we drove. The classiness never stops).
So then he makes me wipe it with this little napkin he had given me to wipe my face. At this point, I was willing to do anything to just get into bed. He then tells me I have to pay $5 extra so that he can get his car cleaned. I cede, and pay him $20 for the ride, and give him the extra $5 (I still have no clue how much the fair actually was. Could have been more, could have been less).
I clomp into my room around 10:30. My roommate is innocently sitting at his desk, doing work. I start pulling off my clothing and heading straight for bed. I end up passed out in a wife beater and my boxers. Hot. He looked rather confused but asked no questions.
I wake up at 2 AM, and realize I'm on the verge of vomiting. Again. So I run to the bathroom, luckily make it all in the toilet, and then decide that I NEED food. I decide that Ritz Bits crackers with Cheese is obviously the best option. I go to the kitchen, and proceed to spill them EVERYWHERE. So here I am, still drunk, sick, and hungry, trying to clean. I end up stepping on the majority of them, making even more of a mess. I end up eating about half the box. I wanted to drink some OJ, but considering that's what I was yakking up (I had a glass of OJ before I left the bar in a feeble attempt to sober up) I couldn't really stomach it.
I woke up for my 9:30 class, and promptly went back to sleep. I finally got up around 11 to get ready for Econ at 2 PM. I was extremely nauseous still. Not like I was actually going to vomit, but the thought of food or alcohol made me want to DIE. I went to Econ and just prayed that I would make it through lecture and back home without having to make a puke-stop. Luckily, I was successful in that endeavor.
I got home and took a nap till around 5, and then got started on my TWO FREAKING PAPERS I had to do for today. 4 pages each, one for Am. Lit, one for Brit. Lit. Obviously, I hadn't started either and was freaking out. I finished Brit Lit by 11. I listened to/watched the live webcast of the debate as I typed(that's a whole other story, Kerry, why were you sooooo GOOOOOOODDDDD?!?!??!). I banged out my Am Lit paper by 2 AM (with a little interlude at McDonald's with Linda at midnight. I was finally over my nausea, and we both needed a break from paper writing).
Basically, today felt like salvation. I have returned to being a functioning member of society. Without the constraints of papers and crippling nausea, I just feel a little bit better about myself.
The two new sweaters I got from the Gap today help.
So does the new Joss Stone CD. So so good.
I hope that this entry has made you all respect me just a little bit more. Some people are just born with class. Clearly, I'm one of them. I'm out bitches. It's been a long week.