Apr 10, 2006 05:51
Things I will never understand:
1) girls. or maybe I understand them all too well.
2) myself. why am I generally most productive when I should be beyond dead tired.
3) english. I am capitalizing my I's but not my sentences. this should be "myself".
4) profs. why do they assign group papers? group projects are good, but group... papers?
5) grades. I always do so good in my hardest classes, and so bad in the easy ones.
6) people. why must we suck so much.
7) guys. we find a good woman, then we dump her. well, I don't. I'm ashemed of my fellow men.
8) life. what is life? life is like a big obstacle in front of your optical (nerves).
9) religion. love your fellow man. do what we say or go to hell.
10) politics. we should all be free to make our own choices. let's make laws restricting that.
11) mandatory fun. fun is fun. by making it mandatory, it loses that.
12) my mind. why am I putting more effort into this list than into my paper.