Fic: Curiosity Killed the Psychic

Jun 30, 2012 00:50

Title: Curiosity Killed the Psychic
Author: kinkylittlered
Rating: M
Warnings: Slash
Total Word Count: about 25,000
Summary: Shawn has taken a liking to the head detective Carlton Lassiter, who claims to be perfectly straight. But, desperate times call for desperate measures, and Shawn is willing to go to any extreme to get his man. Along the way butterflies hint at buried feelings between Shawn and Gus...add in two cases, cross dressing, spin the bottle and it all equals insanity.
Authors Notes: I barely got this done on time and I didn't have a beta, so all mistakes are my own. Comments are love. P.S beatlemaniac9 came up with the title for this <3 Art was made by
reapertownusa, so a big thanks to her! This story was for psychbigbang

Part 1


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