Drowning in the Social Mainstream

Apr 17, 2005 23:00

Hey there everybody, did you miss me? I don't know when my last real update was, but here it goes.

My knee is getting better. I can walk without a limp now and I have started jogging, but not running. All the while my parents have been yelling at me for A. being lazy and B. not working. What the fuck is wrong with them? Do they not understand the process of rehabilitation? I TORE something in my knee. They went inside of my body and fucked around in there. And to make matters worse, they broke my damn quad muscle. And the whole time its not, "hey pat, feeling better?" "hey pat, how's the knee coming along?" its more like "hey pat, feeling good enough to work today?" "hey pay, the knee ready for some shit to do!" I'm sick of it. I went as far as to yell at my mom because she was complaining that I can hang out with my friends at night, but not work. I basically told her she wasn't allowed to speak unless it was something truly productive. She had to think of what she was saying before she said and if that thought was that it might piss me off, then she wasn't allowed to say it. Of course I didn't hold her to it, families often fight and forget about it in an hour. At least we do. Ah well. The point is, I wish they would just fuck off. If I could find another job that paid what it is I make and didnt involve the shit I go through, literally, then I would take it in a heart beat. But I basically make my own hours and stuff and it DOES pay well. And I'm a hard worker dammit. I don't skimp out on things if they really need doing and when I'm set on a task, the people who know me know that I get that fucker done to the best of my ability. I can't stand when they call me lazy. I'm working my ass off trying to get in shape and they tell me I'm fucking lazy because I dont take the dog for a shit. Fuck you guys.

I'm almost ready to start fully training again, the only thing holding me back now is that I can't put full weight on the knee, like, kneeling on both of them, that hurts. And crouching, that hurts alot, which means going for a takedown leading with the bad leg is just a bad idea. In the meantime I started lifting again and started doing a circuit training thing, its working out nicely, I like the fit it has on my regimen. I've started jogging with my dad in the mornings as well, he's trying to lose weight too, so, hey, why not.

I've also started to go back to the bag work. I'm getting very quick with the hands, a necessary skill to have. My problem now is what stance to use (thinking out loud, I can almost gaurantee no one will know what I'm talking about, except Debra...but I'm not even sure about that.) I can either fight conventionally stanced, with my right hand and foot going behind my left hand and foot. My right hand becomes my power hand and my left one I throw jabs and hooks and stuff. I use this most often. Or I can switch it around and fight southpaw, the left hand being the power hand. I feel a bit more comfortable in a regular stance, but I can feel the increase in form and power in southpaw, so its like...which one? I know I can do both and probably will just get comfortable doing just that, though the right hand needs work on being the lead hand, my arm gets tired quickly from jabbing and what not. I told you you wouldnt know what I was talking about.

For those of you keeping track, the latest weight total is 206. I've officially lost 20 pounds, mmmm...20 more to go before I reach the goal.

My life basically revolves around fighting now. Its on my mind all the time and is my motivation for doing everything I can at physical therapy and at home. I want to go back to training, I want to go fight. ARRRRGGGGHHH! Its nice to want to do something with such a passion though, I haven't felt like this in a long long time, if ever.

That's about it, my life is filled with just boring stuff for now. But whatever, one of these days I'll just spill my guts out for all 3 of you that read this shit cuz there is alot on my mind. Until then my friends...
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