You WILL listen to Whitesnake

Feb 21, 2005 11:21

Yep well, its snowing out, and that pisses me off cuz if it keeps up like it looks like it might, I wont be able to travel to bridgewater and go to my classes tonight. FUCKERS! Ah well, if that happens I'm gonna go to the gym with my boy Jimmy. Me and him have been going regularly which is a nice change from...well...never going. I've also got him to like sparring very much, this is good, soon I'll transform him into a fighter!!! Lol, well, I still have a loooong way to go, but I basically show him everything I know. He's such a powerful kid, I wouldnt want to fuck with him once he gets his technique in the punching combos down. We just go into the bag room and go at it for however long we feel like it. Its nice to finally have someone there to push you though. I mean christ, I went to the gym for so long all by myself and I did ok, but not as well as I would've liked, not by far. And then I just couldn't do it anymore. Having a lifting partner puts you in that mode where you have to push yourself and now have the opportunity to. Its good stuff. It used to be putting a weight on the bar that you knew you could do however many times you wanted to do it so you wouldnt have it crash on top of you. Now, its put up some weight that you probably CANT do, and now someone is there to spot you, letting you drain every ounce of energy out of the target muscles. THATS THE WAY ITS DONE MOTHER FUCKERS! Now if I could only get him interested in Jiu Jitsu, I could have a full sparring partner and someone to roll with...whatever...

By the way, no more worries.

Dara's dad is in the hospital, I guess he's in pretty rough shape, but for a soft spoken little guy, he's tough! A little tune up and he'll be back at full capacity, and rarin to go.

Yeah, her and what's his face are down the weekend. Whatever.

Me and Angela talked on the phone quite literally all day yesterday, it was nice. But I wanted to actually see her, and she didnt want to make the trip here and didnt want me to come there I guess, or something, but we didnt get to hang out...whatever. She's getting housing at BSC!!!! She moves in officially today, but she has work all week so she's not gonna be staying there till NEXT monday. That means I get to see her every MWF at the usual time and THEN TR for like 2 her dorm! WHAT! Yeah, she's a nice girl with morals, so everyone get their minds out of the gutter. But yeah...I think I like her, but I'm taking things slowly, don't want to rush them, I made the mistake of doing that last time and fucked myself over in the end. Not this time, I'm doing this right.
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