New Holocaust fact - Apparently over 20,000 camps not 5-7,000

Jun 04, 2009 12:35

You know I always wondered about this. You hear about the camp for Jazz students, the camp for Gays but the Holocaust Museum finally put it all together.

Extent of Nazi Camps Far Greater Than Realized

By Monica Hesse
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 4, 2009

A little more than a decade ago, researchers at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum decided to create an encyclopedia of concentration camps. They assumed the finished work would be massive, featuring a staggering 5,000 to 7,000 camps and ghettos.

They underestimated by 15,000.

Their ultimate count of more than 20,000 camps -- which they reached after a year of research -- is far more than most scholars had known existed and might reshape public understanding of the scope of the Holocaust itself.
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