You know what? I'm With Busey was a damn good show. Comedy Central canceled it over a year ago but I'm just now becoming angry about it. It's just one of those little things.
I spent pretty much all weekend at a rowing race. I won a silver medal; normally I'd be quite proud of it except for the fact that we were racing kids who were like thirteen. And some of them still beat us, even in our
brand new shiny silver WinTech International ultralight carbon-fiber 4+ racing shell. We lost all the other races, especially the ones against the seven foot tall college bound steroid driven monstrosities from Belen and Sarasota and shit. Then we spent two hours doing bitchwork, going out in a launch and dredging buoys tied to cinderblocks out of the water with Robbie. Fun. Oh yeah, I cant find my T-shirt, hoodie, socks, or beanie. And I have the craziest tan ever from the unisuit.
But hey, we beat some kids. And the hamburgers were free. But rowing still sucks.
Yeah. So after a trip to Radio Shack I bought some rare-earth magnets to tweak my paintball gun's trigger. Now the pull is about 1/6th inch shorter but almost twice as stiff, with a faster return. Personally, I like it. I need new grips; that's my next project.
Speaking of guns, apparently, one of my neighbors is a crazy NRA gun-nut; we accidentally got his mail the other day and it was some hundred page catalogue of a gun and survival goods warehouse in Texas that seems to cater to the militia crowd who want to get a head-start on the whole revolution / invasion / insurrection thing. Normally when we get a neighbor's mail we go ahead and give it back, but I'd rather not knock on the door of an angry, crazed NRA-membership-card toating man who mail-orders automatic rifles and armor-piercing ammunition. Neat fact about armor-piercing ammunition - It's illegal to use against people, vehicles, or buildings, but it's legal to use for hunting. Hmm. Maybe there's some deer out there with a suit of chainmail yelling "COME GET ME MOTHERFUCKER!".
The magazine's kinda neat though.