Jun 09, 2005 19:52
yesturday sucked major ass, it started great tho... first i went out for chinese, yumm, then i recieved a call from my chris saying that a good friend of mine passed away monday morning, but instead of loosing my mind i quickly asked him if the her, and my, best friend Jess knew, chris said he didn't know, so i decided it would be best to go there right away to see if she was ok cause i knew that this news would crush her... once we got to Jes's house i sat her down and informed her that Christena had passed away and at first she was just kinda in shock, u know like that feeling were ur hole body starts going numb and u don't know if ur even able to say anything or move, but she shortly got over that stage and screamed and cried... to help lighten the mood i invalved myself, and attempted to invalve everyone else, in a water excitment including a hose and lil balloons... fun... it did kinda lighten the mood for a time anyway but still u could cut the tention with i knife... finaly i wandered home after spending pritty much the rest of the day with her making sure she was ok and befor i could even start to grieve i recieved a call from another very good friend that she is no longer going to talk to me and is pissed for some of my most recient actions, which by the way im very sry for that but i was more then anything confused on the matter and was under the impression that my actions would be ok and nonoffensive to anyone... by then i thought that nothing more could possibly happen, my head was already spinning from the things i had to process, especially because i have been appointed to inform everyone else who doesn't know about the death of our friend yet and ive already delt with 3 ppls break downs, but u know what never ever think that just because some bad shit already happened all at once doesn't mean that more isn't on its way very quickly... after the call from JM my dad called my to inform me that my great aunt Elloies had died tuesday... ok now im really crushed, i couldn't even say anything to my dad, i just kinda siad ok and hung up the phone... i should call him tonight... but i mean what else could i do in all reallity im still in a sort of shock, im feeling no saddness right now cause i know that if i do i wont be able deal with life and right now i don't have the time to be sad... ill be sad l8er when i have the time to really break down... well off to do whatever....