Oct 23, 2007 17:09
Its almost halloween. Im so excited. My roomate and I are going to throw a party on the 31st, which is a gamble because it is a wednesday and those pesky people with 9-5 jobs may not want to come to tempe and drink the night away with good friends. I think this weekend I will try and convince my boyfriend, and possibly kim to accompany me down Mill ave for the halloween festivities that are running rampid that night. On a related note, I hate how Americans refuse to celebrate holidays unless they are on a weekend or a monday following a weekend. As in, Easter is never a set date but always the 3rd or something -th sunday of April. Would it kill us to celebrate jesus's death on a tuesday? Which is why my roomate and I have decided to have our party ON halloween. Not the weekend before. Its a matter of principals really. Or perhaps an excuse to drink, play weird games and in general chill on a weekday (So forbidden!!! ha)
the end