Nov 18, 2004 10:10
November 17, 2004
“As democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
-H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)
Well, there you have it. It seems that it was something of a mandate, or at least the pinnacle of democracy, and we've done it. We've finally elected, fair and square, someone as stupid as all of us. Oh, I know it’s his second term, believe me, I was around for the first one, but it’s great to see that all of the stupid, dangerous, dishonest things that Bush did during his first term actually somehow made him a MORE desirable candidate for president. That’s really something. It’s funny. The very rural areas and small towns that are being destroyed from the outside by Wal-Marts and other corporate giants voted overwhelmingly for the most corporately tied-in administration in the history of the oval office. That’s some good thinking right there. That’s kind of on par with the Japanese aligning with the German white supremacists in WWII; really, really well thought out.
But hey, Mencken said it over half a century ago: the perfection of democracy ultimately results in a president as dumb as the idiots stupid enough to elect him.
So congratulations moralists! There won’t be any stem-cell research, abortions or gay marriages around here no more! Yeeee-Ha! It’s a funny thing though, did you know that the lowest divorce rate in all of the US is in Gay Old Massachusetts?! Yup. 9 of the 10 lowest divorce rates are in ‘blue’ states and the ten highest divorce rates are all ‘red’ states. That’s a little funny, no? Hmmmm…Sounds like all the bibles and preachers in the world can’t keep them good, honest ‘real-American’ couples together. How can that be?
See, it’s funny (I just can’t stop saying that…this is a real hoot!) The gays are ruining the sanctity of marriage? Actually, it’s the fucking hillbillies. No real surprise there. I mean, there isn’t even a sister-or-cousin-fucking amendment on the table, as far as I know, but then again, y’all got a fucking mandate now, so who knows what’s gonna happen in these four years.
Now, here’s the worst part of this whole mess. I’ve been getting emails about voter fraud ever since the election, as though it’s something even remotely new. People are desperate that I go to, and while I applaud the very belated effort of all these idealist losers the simple fact remains. Bush was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE president, and if there isn’t enough well organized opposition to him in the Democratic party to make sure that he’s not rigging the election, or at least some sort of remotely effective watchdog group that would maybe bring this whole voter fraud thing to the attention of the public, you know, BEFORE THE FUCKING ELECTION, then they sure as fuck don’t deserve to be in the white house either. That’s for sure.
This guy makes me giggle like a school girl, 'tis fah-knee, vety vety vety fah-knee, hee hee I think a certain someone might read this and giggle too, hmmm...Marisol?
So it is a mix of Chicano, Moore, Brendan, that made me thinkg this way...hee hee...