Nov 02, 2004 10:12
Oy my ass chewed I believe from my photo prof...I feel so uhm unprepared but at the same prepared for the next time I shoot a roll of film...a light meter...sure I know a camera has one, but where in the fuck is it in mine?
It is hot and I still have a hunk of phlem in my throat that I cough up but never spit out occasionally through out the day...oy glayvin...
I want to shoot better pictures I want to get a b in that damn class, at least...I want to improve...I can't believe a photo class can sure enough be such a challenge...and this is photography, imagine computer graphics, chicano studies, or even...well that's about monday/wedsnesday block of classes is what I worry about a lot...other than,geopgraphy, and photography seem to be classes that I can handle on my own terms and will...the others I have to live on others deadlines...oy glayvin...
I hate to sleep on the phone...I really do...I am sorry I can't stay up as I use ti when we use to talk, I will try but if I feel I can't I am sorry I can't give you attention whatever night I just need to crash...
Go and vote you stupid, 18 year olds...sheesh...
Well you're not stupid, but stupid only if you don't exercise your right to vote...feakin' 18 year old people that can smoke, vote, pole-dance watch, driving maniacs...
Hee hee, I such a young retarded jail bait so it evens out I asspose
I love you Cindy