May 06, 2010 18:34
For those who have been shaving and drawing for a long time, have you ever considered other more permanent methods, such as electrolysis and cosmetic tattooing?
Recently, I have. I've been shaving and drawing mine for years and it's becoming a pain the ass... having to shave them every couple of days, drawing them on every day, waking up with no eyebrows, etc.
The only downsides to more permanent things would be if you should ever change your mind and want to grow them out again, or if you want to experiment with more techniques with shape and thickness.
I know I'd want to do neither of those, so if I had more money at this time, I would definately do the electrolysis so they never grow back, and then get them tattooed on (I pretty much know what shape and thickness I want mine).
Any thoughts/ideas/comments on this?