Pictures from Coronation posted (and another video added to the collection)

Apr 12, 2010 22:04

I'm really tired, folks, so no witty commentary about the great weekend. Though special thanks to HE Isabella for booking the theatre so many of us could enjoy The Princess Bride as a family on Friday night and just feeling good to be part of this great kingdom right now.

You can find my view of this past weekend at

There is also one new video posted at (It's a great piece by Cehero Okensword and he found a way to work in lots of Northshield, fighting, the Yetis, Tarrach & Roisin and lots of other great imagery.


Usual post-script: As always, for my pictures, feel free to leave comments and help me label the pictures; use any picture for SCA purposes; ask me to delete something if you don't like it via private message. Feel free to share with your friends and family. And even steal some to post on Facebook or in your blogs or whatever (credit is kind of nice but not necessary).
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