A reminder specifically for this album of pictures, even more than other event photo albums, since I have been asked for it by someone. Please, if you can, feel free to leave comments and help me label the pictures?!?!? There are many faces there that are only historical figures for some people and labels would be fun and helpful as well as a good historical reference.
Yesterday, Giles and I took a pilgrimage to the College of Grey Gargoyles in the Middle Kingdom to be there to celebrate a large part of the history of the SCA. The Midrealm was formed in 1969, one of the first three kingdoms of the Society. Four decades later Royalty from all three children of the Dragon (Calontir, Ealdormere and Northshield) along with the Prince of Ansteorra were there to celebrate the day with about 700 other gentles and many notables of our history. Former Monarchs of the Middle Kingdom in attendance that I recognized or had pointed out to me were: Cariadoc of the Bow, Franz von Blinkendlichten, Merowald de Sylveaston, Albert von Dreckenveldt, Selene of the Sky, Finnvarr de Taahe, Caellyn FitzHugh, Moonwulf Starkaadersson, Laurelen Darksbane, Talymar gan y Llyn, Corin du Soleil, Myfanwy o'r Pelydrau ar Ysgall, Eliahu ben Itzhak, Valerius Paencalvus, Fern de la Forêt, Palymar of Two Baronies, Katherine of Sternfeld, Dag Thorgrimsson, Tangwystl Failsworth, Finn Herjolfsson, Brannos O’Irongardail, Rebekah MacTiernan, Aislinn de Richemont, Tamara di Firenze, Brigh of Writerskeep, Valharic Caligula Aurelius, Guenievre du Dragon Vert, Alaric le Fevre, Noelle la Chauciere, AnneMarie de Garmeaulx, Lutr Ulfskjald, Tessa of Wight, Ullr Vindstygge, Annelyse van Gavere, EikBrandr Solgyaki, Runa Eikbrandrskona and probably a few that I didn’t recognize or get to meet. There were so many shiny hats that it was blinding at times. The garb was the finest. It was a cross between homecoming, a family reunion and a class reunion; it was a day of pageantry; displays of historical artifacts; classes about some of the history of the Midrealm; a chance to catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and see some of the legends that many of us grew up knowing about through our history as citizens of that kingdom.
I have to admit that I didn’t take nearly as many pictures as I would have liked but I was blown away by all the people I got to hug and laugh and cry with. It was a full day filled with fun and smiles. We were so wiped by the end of the day and will remember it for a long time to come. My view of the day can be found at:
http://nsgallery.melm.org/main.php?g2_itemId=125983&g2_navId=xa9b25d02 I had the opportunity to add one more video to my youtube channel.
http://www.youtube.com/shavasue and have now added THL Sofia Tyzes called Szof singing her song “One Under the Dragon” that she wrote during the reign of Lutr & Tessa.
Please forward to other lists, especially those in the Midrealm, if you wish.
Usual post-script: As always, for my pictures, feel free to leave comments and help me label the pictures, use any picture for SCA purposes, ask me to delete something if you don't like it via private message, or share with your friends and family.Also, please pass on the link to other lists if you wish.