
Mar 31, 2011 19:54

I hab another head cold. This is my third cold this year - and over our summer. I know where it comes from... Daycare. My little one is in daycare 2 days a week and his immune system is being challenged and now so is mine.

It is only a head cold, so while I did not do my 40 min walk today at lunch I did do a 30 min walk this evening with the pram.

This week, I am doing well so far. I am eating a little more than previous weeks - I added a point back in and I am making sure I am eating all of my points every day (which is almost up to my kJ target). I think I will spend this week and next week counting in both systems and see what results I get at weigh in. I spent some more time today looking at the numbers and reassuring myself that I am ok. I did a little forecast for the rest of the year in terms of weightloss and kJ intake and am happy with how things look. I just need to keep on with the exercise, keep on with watching my portion sizes and intake and I will get there.


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