Adapted from a reply to
Tuv's post on the matter.
Vote for Ken Livingstone - the future of our world depends on it.
As part of my job I work alongside the Energy and Climate Change teams at City Hall and although they won't say it openly they're desperate for Ken to win another term. Like him or loathe him, he's one of very few politicians treating climate change with the ultimate seriousness it deserves.
Ken's target of a 60% emissions reduction for London by 2025 is only a target but it is already making a serious difference in moving the political discussion of the topic three steps forward, not least as he admits it can't be achieved without a
national carbon rationing system. And he is also pushing through a lot to make achieving his targets feasible (eg following Woking's example on CHP). He's also leading a coalition of City Mayors internationally to speed the response to the issue.
Boris has nothing on climate change. Yet again he's adopting the "it might be unpopular in the short term" position, and fucking us all. Yet this issue is rapidly moving to overwhelm all others.
I believe it's important for the whole planet that Ken wins this one, not just we Londoners.