Last night and this morning were spent at the villa de Geoff. I've never attempted an all nighter at anyone else's house before, but we decided that since Geoff is as noctural as I, we'd give it a shot.
The evening started with some MVC2 and GTA Vice City. With Geoff's assistance, we managed to solve a mission that has been plaguing me with grief for quite some time. You know, in addition to running around and chainsawing people for the fun of it. We actually picked up a screwdriver at one point, but lost it before we could poke anyone to death. :P
Josh arrived about two hours later, sporting his new Lars Frederiksen esque mohawk, which was all out of place by the time he left. We teased Kasey on webcam for bit, making her wish she was allowed to come. :P We watched The Shining afterwards, which was enjoyed by all. It has everything they wanted in a movie: cursing, gore, full-frontal nudity, and three occurences of the "N-word". And of course a twist ending, which I had to explain to both of them, heh.
Next on the reel was Pulp Fiction, a movie I had regretably never seen before. Pulp Fiction is brilliant, Samuel L. shined in his role, especially when he gets under this guy's skin and he and Travolta just shoot him to death right there. Quentin Tarantino is brilliant.
Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness came next. I don't know how people find these movies scary, they're so hilariously bad. Bruce Campbell is my new hero, I don't know anyone else who works at a department store but also knows how to properly dispatch a zombified corpse and built a robotic hand in the 1300s. They're only about an hour and 15 minutes each in length, but it feels a lot longer as you're watching. Everyone needs to see those movies, regardless of your tastes in film.
It was light outside by the time we stared watching The Exorcist. Geoff's mom brought us some coffee to keep us alive as we watched and Josh slept (weeeeak). The Exorcist is a good movie, but when you're half-awake it's pretty confusing and the subliminal devil faces catch you offguard.
The last movie we watched was Hollow Man, featuring the ever brilliant Kevin Bacon. You don't want to piss off an invisible man, especially if you're a dog. I think Hollow Man had the most gruesome deaths out of all the movies we watched. A lovely way to kick off the day. I left shortly afterwards, but I enjoyed myself, and we definitely need to do this again.
It's going to suck going back to school on Monday, considering how relaxing the break has been, and how much work I'm going to have to catch up on from missing Friday's class. Only four days this week though, and four days the week after. Thank you, resurrection of Christ.
aaand cut