Slayers Device Part 3

Jan 10, 2011 12:28


“Sending them home is going to be trickier than we thought, but doable.” Said Chrono, the Admiral assigned to this case. “It’s a matter of locating their home dimension than actually transporting them home.”

“So we’re looking at about three or four more days until we can get a positive identification on where they’ll be heading home. Until then we’ve put them up in a hotel. Hopefully they won’t cause too much trouble for us.” The last was said with a little grin from Hayate, who had come to like them for their energy.

“What about the devices they’re holding onto?” inquired Nanoha curiously. “Are they going to be separated from them?”

Chrono shook his head. “The Belkan devices have chosen their masters, so it would be a shame to remove them. Already three out of four of them are working on studying our magic, as well as learning how the cartridge system works. They had no cartridges when they first arrived.”

“What about the fourth? Mr. Gabriev,” said Fate curiously.

Hayate laughed lightly. “Unfortunately Mr. Gabriev has a mind like a sieve, and can’t even manage to memorize any spells. But his innate fighting prowess is remarkable, and well trained. We’ll have to teach him though how to maintain Sword though.”

“We’re going to send a small delegation to their homeland, and possibly set up in the city that they call Seyruun,” added Chrono. “With them vouching for us, we should be able to establish diplomatic relationships with their ruling bodies.”

“Reports will be filed to everyone in the coming days. Dismissed.”

Zelgadis was a curious man, and was definitely interested in their branch study of Familiars. While it wasn’t quite like creating a Chimera, it was also an area of study that was long since defunct in their homeworld, since familiars had a tendency of turning on their creator and dicing them into little cubes.

“Trying to figure out how to turn yourself back to normal Zel?” inquired Lina who looked up from her book that read “Advanced Belkan-type Bombardment Spells”.

“Not really,” replied Zelgadis as he turned a page. “I might however want to try my hand at constructing a Familiar. I was very impressed with their work on artificial life, and I’d rather much prefer them to have a mind of their own instead of slovenly dedicated to a cause.”

“Like that Arf girl right?” inquired Lina, thinking of the tiny little wolf girl. “She is pretty cute huh.”

Amelia frowned. “But isn’t familiar research similar to copies?”

“Not necessarily, at least not in this brand of research,” said Zelgadis. “I was thinking that if I created a brand of familiar that was similar to Mid or Belkan research, and then helped them grow and nurture, maybe I’d be able to find a way to eventually change myself back. BUT considering what Rezo said a few months ago, I’d find that unlikely.” He smiled. “I’ve always wanted someone to talk to on the road since, y’know…”

Since Zolf and Rodimus died. The two most loyal to him, after Dilgear and Nuunsa proved themselves to be more loyal to the maddened Rezo. Lina nodded. “I understand. So you’re finally giving up on the whole body thing?”

“What other choice do I have?” Despite his words, Zelgadis had a little smile. “I can’t blame Rezo for everything anymore. After the whole incident with Pokota and the Hellmaster’s Jar, I can only feel like I’ve found what I needed to know, despite the heartbreak.”

“You got closure,” said Lina. “Closure you didn’t get last time. And despite everything, you actually still love him don’t you?”

Zelgadis coughed. “Let’s not get carried away here. He was my enemy for years y’know.”

“Sure, sure,” dismissed Lina. “Whatcha got there Amelia?”

“Oh it’s a series of books on the medical arts that the people of Mid have, as well as a study on Lost Logia by one Yuuno Scrya,” said Amelia, holding up the books respectively. “I heard the term while I was looking around in the library a while ago and Mr. Yuuno gave me this book he wrote himself.”

“Logia huh, so that’s what they call artifacts in this place?” inquired Lina.

“Yeah, they’re apparently lost items from a civilization from before the founding of the modern society. Maybe some of these items will help identify the things we’ve got in our world. I would certainly think the Claire Bible is one of them.” Answered Amelia.

“You don’t say. Huh. Where’s Gourry by the way?”

“He was called out by that Signum woman, presumably to fight. I would imagine they’re tearing up a battlefield by now.” Answered Zelgadis. “I was invited as well, but I wanted to read up on Familiars before I joined them.”

Signum had to admit that Gourry Gabriev was one of the most top notch opponents she had ever fought before. He was deadly with pinpoint accuracy, matching her own skills. It was also clear that he was skilled innately in magic, but he lacked the focus to cast spells. In short, the Belkan style device Sword was perfect for him.

“Explosion!” crowed Levantine as Signum loaded a cartridge and Gourry took a moment to try it out himself.

“Explosion!” barked Sword, a phrase that made Signum smile a little as she lifted her sword. Both sides were bloodied and aching, but both wore matching grins. “You’re very good, Gourry.”

“You’re better than I expected too Signum,” said Gourry as he hefted Sword. “I usually don’t make a habit of fighting women, but I can definitely make an exception.”

“My aren’t you the chivalrous one.” And the pair clashed together as a couple of figures stood down near the training center deck watching them fight.

“How long have they been at it?” inquired Subaru as Teana worked on the board.

“They’re getting close to breaking Signum and Nanoha’s record of 22 minutes and 15 seconds,” replied Teana as Gourry feinted and Signum barely brought up Leavantine in time to parry the cross strike. “Both of them just seem to get better with each blow.”

“They’re both a couple of battle maniacs,” remarked Subaru. “I kinda wanna fight Mr. Gourry now too!”

Teana laughed. “Well it would be enlightening.”

“Shinden… ISSEN!”

“Riot STORM!”

Twin attacks crashed together in a flurry of hits and in a cloud of smoke, the pair flew backwards, breathing heavily. Both had wounds across the front of their jackets, deep scoring hits that showed the last protective layers. “Not bad,” said Signum, Leavantine expelling the spent cartridge and Gourry’s Sword doing the same. “I really am impressed.”

“Same,” replied Gourry, breathing just as heavily as Signum was. “Let’s finish this. I’m getting pretty hungry.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

The cafeteria had been put on overtime as they were now feeding people with enormous appetites, and when Signum and Gourry walked in it was no exception. Signum wasn’t a big eater usually but the entire experience with Gourry left her shaking and needing food as quickly as possible.

Bringing over huge bowls of pasta and towering stacks of meat, the pair began to eat, and even that began to turn into a competition when Lina and the others arrived. “Hey Lina, you’re missing out on great food,” called out Gourry as he fought Signum fork to fork.

“You two look like you went through a battlefield!” exclaimed Amelia, staring at the dirty and bloodied pair who fought over their food. “What did you do?”

“Sparring,” replied Signum as she parried Gourry’s fork and sent it spiraling upwards. She quickly ninjaed one of his buns and he reclaimed his carrots.

“Two of them,” remarked Lina with a facepalm.

“Three if you count yourself Lina,” smirked Zelgadis who was then bonked on the head.

Chanting a healing spell, Amelia applied it to the pair. “You shouldn’t fight so eagerly till the pair of you are bloodied up! Think of yourselves for once!”

“We were! We were just having a good time!” exclaimed Gourry as Signum stole his meat.

“It certainly is more lively here now that we have guests,” said Hayate, leaning back in her chair. “Everyone’s having a good time.”

“Really does seem like it,” said Rein as she read over reports as a video of Signum and Gourry’s spar was playing out. “Signum’s having fun, though I think Vita is feeling left out.”

“She shouldn’t have pushed herself that hard,” replied Vita as she leaned back in her chair, putting her feet up. “Going all out against Nanoha is one thing. Going all out against some guy is another.”

“They took care of themselves,” giggled Shamal. “Although Signum’s conked out right now.”

It was true, with Signum in her room sleeping and grumbling as she turned over.

“Well, I’m just glad everyone’s okay and we’ll have them home soon,” said Hayate as she relaxed after a good supper that evening.

Amelia looked over the books again as she wandered the Infinite Library’s halls, floating upwards. There was so much to learn, and this was like a vacation to her.

“Mr. Yuuno!” called out Amelia as she looked up at the head librarian who adjusted his glasses. “I’ve come to return the book I borrowed.”

“Oh you’ve finished it already?” inquired Yuuno as he took the book back from Amelia. “Did you find it interesting?”

Amelia nodded. “It was a big help, thanks!”

Yuuno grinned, rubbing his head a little. “I’m just glad I could be of help.”

“Yeah, it’s a big help. Although I kind of will miss our stay here when we do leave.” Said Amelia, floating to a sitting position.

“How long until they pinpoint your home dimension?” inquired Yuuno, floating back in a relaxed position.

“They said about three more days. They want to make sure they don’t accidentally miss our world,” said Amelia. “But there’s a lot of stuff to do, a lot of things to learn and plenty to experience! We’re the first people to journey outside our world; and yet it’ll be hard to leave all of this behind.”

“I know the feeling.” Said Yuuno. “I’d love to come and visit your world and study its ruins, discover lost spells and new abilities…”

“Why don’t you come?” inquired Amelia. “Someone of your talents could certainly be welcome in Seyruun?”

Yuuno paused in thought and chuckled. “Would I be allowed to? The TSAB’s not fond of sending people too often to Unadministered Worlds just for a vacation at time.” Earth excluded since it seemed to be a hotbed of weirdness.

“I’m sure we can arrange it. After all I could cite you as my diplomatic ambassador!” exclaimed Amelia. She gave him a wide grin. “After all, that’s what people do for each other right?”

Yuuno had to laugh at that. “You’ve got a point. Alright, I’ll see about clearing it with the higher ups.”

nanoha, fanfic, slayers

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